
Video Collection of Adventurers Clearing Calamity 7!

Video Collection of
Adventurers Clearing Calamity 7!

Greetings, Adventurers!
This is the Black Desert Mobile Team.

Many Adventurers went into the Black Shrine
after the Calamity 7 update to try their hand at it.

However, it's fairly difficult to face these bosses
with newly added mechanics and even more powerful attacks.

To assist our Adventurers in clearing Calamity 7,
we are introducing this collection of videos created by Adventurers
who have successfully cleared them with their outstanding skills!

Check out the various tips from these videos.
We wish you success in defeating the Calamity 7 bosses.

※ We will add videos of successfully cleared Calamity 7
「Songakshi」, 「Apex Changui」, and「Oduksini」 after their update is released.


Channel Class Video Link
ゆみにー유미니 Warlord LINK
不出意外就是要出意外了 Wizard LINK
Phobio Berserker LINK
Sibilyan Grandmaster LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
神叨叨 Titan LINK
TP6228 Titan LINK
TP6228 Nova LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
水泮薰 Nova LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK
DmHbDs Deadeye LINK

Mudang Wraith

Channel Class Video Link
ゆみにー유미니 Warlord LINK
神叨叨 Corsair LINK
神叨叨 Titan LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
水泮薰 Nova LINK
TP6228 Nova LINK
Phobio Berserker LINK
Phobio Deadeye LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK
DmHbDs Deadeye LINK

Golden pig King

Channel Class Video Link
ゆみにー유미니 Warlord LINK
ゆみにー유미니 Gladiator LINK
神叨叨 Corsair LINK
神叨叨 Titan LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
水泮薰 Nova LINK
TP6228 Nova LINK
木蔭 Huntress LINK
Phobio Berserker, Deadeye LINK
Phobio Deadeye LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK
DmHbDs Deadeye LINK


Channel Class Video Link
神叨叨 Titan LINK
TP6228 Nova LINK
水泮薰 Nova LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
Phobio Berserker LINK
DmHbDs Sura LINK
Phobio Deadeye LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK
DmHbDs Deadeye LINK

Bamboo Legion Lieutenant

Channel Class Video Link
神叨叨 Titan LINK
Phobio Berserker LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
TP6228 Nova LINK
水泮薰 Nova LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK
DmHbDs Deadeye LINK


Channel Class Video Link
神叨叨 Titan LINK
Phobio Berserker LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
TP6228 Nova LINK
水泮薰 Nova LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK
DmHbDs Deadeye LINK


Channel Class Video Link
Phobio Berserker LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
TP6228 Titan LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK

Apex Changui

Channel Class Video Link
Phobio Berserker LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
TP6228 Nova LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK


Channel Class Video Link
Phobio Berserker LINK
Kyverra Lancer LINK
DzenZen Guardian LINK
TP6228 Titan LINK
水泮薰 Deadeye LINK
PJ Deadeye LINK
DmHbDs Deadeye LINK

Thank you.


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