
[Jul 2 Patch Notes]
UPDATES 2024.07.02

Patch Notes


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Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Jul 2 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.

※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.



Developer Commentary:

Each class moves a certain distance based on the skill they're using.

When attacked with a skill that inflicts the "Decrease Attack Speed" debuff, using certain skills would slow the skill action, though the character would travel further than when not attacked.

Some of our Adventurers may have experienced the character traveling a further distance than usual when using a movement skill after being attacked with a skill inflicting this "Decrease Attack Speed" debuff.

As it is a bit illogical to grasp the idea of decreased Attack Speed resulting in traveling a further distance, we made adjustments so that the character now travels a set distance regardless of the speed of a skill.

Also, we made the aforementioned adjustments while minimizing the possible impact they may have in controlling the character. However, please note that the travel distance for certain skills may feel different from before the update.

- Changed each skill to move a set distance regardless of attack speed.


- Increased the distance required for usage of "Wrath of Chaos" during auto-combat.

- Increased the distance required for usage of the Succession skill "Wrath of Chaos" during auto-combat.



- Improved the UI on the top of the screen to display the number of Cannons remaining for each faction.
ㆍ A gray icon will indicate the destruction of a Cannon.

- Improved a visual effect to display when activating a powerful Cannon attack performed when the HP of the opposing faction's Commander decreases a certain amount.

- Changed to prevent occupying the Respawn Point when Invincible.


- Changed the HP display according to the Holy Artifact enhancement level in Node War from % to an HP gauge.
ㆍ The above screenshot shows the HP displayed when Holy Artifact enhancement is at Level 10 and Level 9, respectively.
- Changed victory in Node War to be determined based on the exact stat of the Holy Artifact's remaining HP instead of the percentage when the war ends without the Holy Artifact being destroyed.

- Changed Urugon at Difficulty Level 11 and above to attack only the initially targeted enemy when performing a powerful attack.
ㆍ A visual effect will display for the target marked by Urugon's Glare.
ㆍ When marked by Urugon's Glare, you can strategize using Urugon's attack.


- Changed the standard price range of the following items in the Market to match that of the [Shattered Guardian Belt].
ㆍ Items: Shattered Ring of Frenzy, Shattered Ring of Vehemence, Shattered Draconic Necklace, Brooch of The Tycoon, Shattered Earrings of Rancor.

- Improved stability when downloading patches or updates in the iOS environment.
- Improved the auto-path to move along a faster route.

- Changed the interface of all exchange shops to match the format of the Guild Fortress NPC Duncan or the Chaos Rift Zone NPC Chaos Rift Watcher.

- Improved "Unobtained Knowledge" to display for bosses who you've yet to obtain knowledge for in the Co-op Rush menu.
- Reduced the size of the minimap icon size for Heuklang and Tett by half.
- Changed the icon placement for the Great Ocean and Donghae Province on the World Map.
- Improved the transition speed of the 4-key skill slot.


Error Fixes

- [Kunoichi] Fixed an issue where Super Armor would not apply momentarily during the skill after "Cripple" or "Kunai Throw."
- [Eclipse] Fixed an issue where the Super Armor of "Star's Breath" would apply in the Arena.
- [Gladiator] Fixed an issue where using "Take Down" while moving in a different direction close to an enemy would display as if the character grabbed the enemy but actually didn't.
- [Gladiator] Fixed an issue where the character would maintain a guard even after using a Succession skill.
- [Huntress] Fixed an issue where "Blasting Gust" would be used in a combo after defeating an enemy with "Evasive Explosion Shot" during auto-combat.
- [Spiritwalker] Fixed an issue where the "Super Armor," "Damage Reduction," and "Cannot be grabbed" effects of "Leaping Tiger" would apply in the Arena.
- [Scholar] Fixed an issue where "Spatial Distortion" would not apply when using "Attraction" in a combo after "One Small Step" or "Gravity Press" with an actuated Gravity Core.
- [Woosa] Fixed an issue where the "Increase Crit Chance on hit" effect of "Thundercloud" would trigger even upon skill use.
- [Grandmaster] Fixed an issue where other skills that should be instantly activated from certain actions could not be used during "Energy Vacuum" with "Flow: Tempest Fangs" active.
- [Titan] Fixed an issue where the additional attack of "Piledriver" could not be used after using the skill with "Flow: Toss" deactivated during Therianthropy.
- [Titan] Fixed an issue where the character would not move during auto-combat even when detecting a monster if it was outside the skill attack range.
- [Lotus] Fixed an issue where the character would stand still for a while after using "Blood Moon" and "Chaos" during auto-combat.
- [Primrose] Fixed an issue where the motion was awkward when using "Moonrise."
- [Warlord] Fixed an issue where the basic attack motion for moving to the right would appear awkward.
- [Legatus] Fixed an issue where the second motion of the basic attack was awkward.
- [Letanas] Fixed the issue where the "Hexeblood" and "Dragonblood" effects would not change after using the "Legacy" skill following a higher-level skill.
- [Hwaryeong] Fixed an issue where the motion of "Emberclaw Crush" was awkward.
- [Hwaryeong] Fixed an issue where the basic lateral attack motions were awkward.
- [Windwalker] Fixed an issue where the camera would not zoom in during face customization.
- [Wizard] Fixed an issue where the Camera would not zoom in during face customization.
- Fixed an issue where the character would stay idle even when attacked by monsters.

- Fixed an issue where character movements would glitch when many characters were displayed on the screen in specific situations like Eilton Defense.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to repair a Neutral Fortress even when its HP is full during Fortress Siege.

- Fixed an issue where all ping icons displayed on the minimap appeared as Guild Officer/Guild Master ping icons.
- Fixed an issue where some UIs overlapped when entering the Golden Vault under certain conditions.


Early Notice

- The adjustment to the item acquisition method in Great Desert, Everfrost, and Land of the Sherekhan, originally scheduled to be applied through the update maintenance on Jul 16 (Tue), will be updated Jul 23 (Tue).
- Please note that we will provide the details in a future notice.



Starting Events

GM Valentine's Make Your Ice Cream
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 8 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Valentine's Weather Coins!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 8 (Mon), 2024, 23:59
GM Valentine's Request
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 21 (Sun), 2024, 23:59
[Oasis Server] Dream Horse Challenge!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Jul 2 (Tue), 2024 - Jul 21 (Sun), 2024, 23:59


Ended Events

· Knowledge Boost Support
· GM Lando's Fairy's Adventure
· [Oasis Server] Fairy's Special Support!
· [Oasis Server] Blessing of Everfrost
· June Monthly Login


Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.


New Products

- Special Pack > Special Package
· Golden Step-Up I
· Golden Step-Up II
· Golden Step-Up III
· Golden Step-Up IV
※ These items can be purchased until Jul 15 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.
· Co-op Pack [3+Gift]
· Golden Charm Chest [2+1]

※ These items can be purchased until Jul 29 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.

- New Outfits

Outfit Class Price
Elderwood Gladiator, Berserker 960 Black Pearls
[Gladiator, Berserker - Elderwood]