Adventurer's Guide



[Black Desert Mobile Guide]


1. What are workers? 

Workers are those who live in your camp and are at your employ. 

They do a variety of things, such as building, synthesizing, and gathering resources. 

You can check the list of workers currently at your employ be pressing on the [Workers] tab found at the bottom of your screen while in the camp. 


Hiring Workers

■ Visit the local pub and hire



2. Workers Detail

Workers have a variety of abilities. You can check the detailed information of all your workers by pressing on their face in the [Workers] tab.


Workers Level and Rank


■ Level

Workers has their own levels and they may have different maximum level depending on the their tank.

Vitality: The higher the number, the faster they can collect resources and the amount of food they consume is lower. 

Strength: The higher the number, the faster they can build on the camp.

Dexterity: The higher the number, the faster they can make products on your camp.


■ Rank



Max. Level












How to manage Worker

Workers can be scolded or dismissed for their laziness. You can also increase their loyalty by talking, gifting and encouraging workers.



Talking : effects on loyalty

Gifting : effects on loyalty, fatigue and EXP

Encouraging : effects on fatigue

Loyalty : The lower the loyalty, the more likely that the resident get lazy.

※It is possible to raise loyalty by encouraging them or giving them gifts.

Fatigue: Workers get fatigues if they work too much.  Fatigue can be reduced by encouraging them and giving them gifts. 

If they are too fatigued, they will not be able to take on any tasks unless you spend stamina.


[ Fatigue level]

Purple means workers are exhausted and cannot work for a certain period of time.

Regardless of worker’s race, if the rank and level are same, the total amount of stat will (Strength + Worker Gather + Dexterity) remain same.


What’s gifting?

There are certain items can be obtained through hunting, vendors. And those items can be gifted to your workers to increase their loyalty and reduce their fatigue. Those workers who receive gifts will also gain EXP.

Other Features


[Worker Name Change]

You can rename your worker.


[Instant Work Complete ]

You can also have them immediately complete their tasks by spending staminar. 

03. Firing workers

By pressing on their name in the [Workers] tab, you can choose to fire your worker. 

※The contribution points will be reimbursed when you fire workers. However, once you fire workers, you won’t be able to recover them.