Adventurer's Guide

Guild History

Guild History

Developer Commentary:

A Guild History feature was added to help you remember the adventures with your guild members for a long time. This new feature records joining and leaving a guild, guild progression, and participation in various guild activities.

It will allow the Guild Master and Officer to manage their guild more conveniently. Also, info on the entire bidding process for Node/Siege Wars and the status of declaring war can also be viewed by period.

We hope that the addition of this Guild History feature will improve guild management and help you look back on the paths you took with your guild members.

- Added a Guild History feature to the Guild menu.
ㆍ You can check the main history by year and month.
ㆍ Only the history for after the update will be displayed, excluding the guild creation date and guild join date.

- The details recorded under Guild History are as follows:

Guild History UI
Guild Created
Joined Guild
Left Guild
Kicked from Guild
Declared War
War Declared Against Us
Guild Leveled Up
Acquired Guild Skill
Guild Tax Withdrawal
Distributed Guild Bonus
Guild Name Changed
Donated Weapon
Enhanced Annex
Successful Siege War Bid
Successful Node War Bid
Participated in Content (Elite Raid/Guild Rush/Capotia/Capotia Practice Mode)
Assigned Master
Appointed Officer
Dismissed Officer
Received Guild Gift
Siege/Node War Victory
Siege/Node War Defeat
Attempted Siege War Bid
Siege War Bid Failed/Canceled
Attempted Node War Bid
Node War Bid Failed/Canceled