
[February 2] Patch Notes
UPDATES 2021.02.02


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Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on February 2 (Tuesday) are here! In this update, we’ve added new content, events, bug fixes, and overall improvements to the game. See below for more details about this update.

※ All screenshots were taken from the test environment and may differ from what appears in the live server.
If you find something in-game that's different from the Patch Notes, please feel free to contact the support center.


■ Path of Glory: Season 3

- Path of Glory Season 3 has started.
. A more challenging Rift 10 has opened. Protect the gates to acquire [Emblem] with higher stats. 
. Acquire the title ‘Venerable Family’ upon defeating the first wave of monsters in Rift 10, which will increase the maximum entry limit to 7.
※ [Emblem] and [Badge of Glory] acquired during previous seasons can be used for Emblem Enhancement and Emblem Transfer to strengthen the season 3 Emblem.
※ Please note that the Path of Glory Extra Entry Pass is only valid for this season.


■ Guild Rush: Season 3

- Guild Rush: Season 3 has started.
- Starting from Guild Rush Level 5, the Cadry Gatekeeper will appear.

- Improved the rewards for Guild Rush Normal and Special Modes.
. The Guild Rush Special Mode rewards have been improved and players are guaranteed to receive one of the following: [Dimensional Fragment], [Cron Stone], [Hero’s Legacy].

- Added the Guild Rush Contribution system.
. The Guild Rush Contribution score can be increased depending on the Guild Rush difficulty level and the players’ participation.
. The more you contribute to the Guild Rush, the better your rewards can be.


■ Primal Alchemy Stone

- Added [Primal Alchemy Stone].
- You can now craft [Abyssal Alchemy Stone] and [Primal Alchemy Stone].
・Abyssal and Primal Alchemy Stones can be crafted in the Craft menu and the Alchemy Lab.
・[Abyssal Alchemy Stone] can be used to create [Primal Alchemy Stone] of the exact same type.

- Use the following materials to craft [Primal Alchemy Stone]:
・Awakened Abyssal Alchemy Stone x1

・Caphras Alchemy Stone Secret Book x1 (Caphras Secret Book Page x30)

・Lapis Lazuli x30

※ You can craft [Caphras Alchemy Stone Secret Book] in the Craft menu’s Material tab, using [Caphras Secret Book Page].
※ You can obtain [Lapis Lazuli] and [Caphras Secret Book Page] from Spoils of Hadum.

- Primal Alchemy Stone Enhancement levels are indicated using the Arabic numerals, 1-10, and then Roman numerals, I-X.
・When crafting a Primal Alchemy Stone, it will be assigned an enhancement level between 1-10, based on the level of the Abyssal Alchemy Stone (I-X) used as a material.
・Enhancing a Primal Alchemy Stone is similar to an Abyssal Alchemy Stone. You will need an Abyssal stone of the same type as well as Caphras Dust x10,000 to attempt enhancement.


■ Added New Region

- Added the North Valencia region. The new region includes the Cadry Canyon, Kunid's Shelter, and Cadry Ruins zones.
・Elion’s suggested CP: Cadry Canyon (10,000), Cadry Ruins (10,000)
・Hadum’s suggested CP: Cadry Canyon (15,000), Cadry Ruins (15,000)
・Added a new Boss, the Cadry Gatekeeper, to the Boss Rush.


■ Adventurer's Fame

Each Adventurer has a unique Fame Code for giving and receiving recommendations. The Adventurers can receive rewards for recommending and being recommended through the Fame System.

Rewards for Registering Recommendation Code
Recommendation Reward Chest Triple Plus (1 Day)
Fame Lv. 25 Achievement Chest
Fame Lv. 25 Achievement Chest Tier 2 Pet Chest
Fame Lv. 30 Achievement Chest 
Fame Lv. 30 Achievement Chest  [Epic] Weapon Outfit Chest
Fame Lv. 40 Achievement Chest 
Fame Lv. 40 Achievement Chest  4-Color Dye Selection Chest
[Barding] Krenvatz
Fame Lv. 50 Achievement Chest 
Fame Lv. 50 Achievement Chest  [Epic] Armor Outfit Chest


Rewards for Recommended Adventurers 
Score Rewards
10 Points Ancient Tablet x2,000
20 Points Boss Stamp x1,000
30 Points Tier 5 Pet Chest x1
Rank Rewards
Rank 1 Black Pearl x3,000
Rank 2 Black Pearl x2,000
Rank 3 Black Pearl x1,500
Top 10% Black Pearl x500
11 to 50% Black Pearl x200
51 to 100% Black Pearl x100

- Improved Adventurer’s Fame Rewards.
・The records and rewards received until February 1 have been reset.
・The updated rewards can be checked through Social > Adventurer's Fame > Rewards Info.
・The rankings will refresh daily after midnight.
・Accumulated points will reset on the first day of each month. Individual rewards can be claimed once a month.

- Added a new complementary event for the updated Adventurer's Fame.
・How to participate: Share your Family Name and Fame Code on your social media accounts and share the link with us in the forum.
・Adventurers who participate in the event will receive [Dimensional Fragment x20].
・Additionally, some Adventurers will be selected to receive Black Spirit Goods through a drawing. 


■ Updated Guild War Rules of Engagement

- Guilds who meet the updated Rules of Engagement will be able to declare war:
・Declare Points 400 and above
・Guild Level 5 and above
・Guild Funds 3,000,000 and above
・Guilds with 10 or more members who have checked in within the past 3 days.

Declare Points for Guild Quest Completion
Guild Quest Declare Points
Defeat Enemy x2,000 4
Normal Arena x1
Ancient Ruins x1
Boss Rush x1
Forage Herbs x5
Mine x5
Log Trees x5
Fish x5

- Declare Points are obtainable through Guild Quests. Guilds can acquire up to a maximum of 2,000 points.
※ The Rules of Engagement have been updated. In light of the new changes, the Guilds meeting the following criteria received 400 Declare points:
・Guilds Level 5 or above, have 10 or more members, and have gained daily average Guild Quest Points equaling 2100 or above.
※ In future updates, the Guild War Rules of Engagement will be improved to offer additional points through Guild Siege and Node War.


■ Character Balance Change
[All Characters]

- Added the option to turn Auto-Evasion on or off during Auto-Hunt.
・Evasion can be used to reduce the distance with the enemy during the battle.


- Fixed an issue where invincibility duration did not apply correctly after evading backwards.


- Command: Frost Shield
・Cooldown reduction is now a basic effect and attack speed reduction is now an enhancement option.
・The skill has been improved to allow removing the initial Pawn Summon if the skill is reused while the effect is active.
・The barrier has been modified to form where Nova is standing instead of forming in front of her.


■ Character Bug Fix
[All Characters]
- Fixed an issue where a failed skill use could, at times, trigger skill cooldown.


- Fixed a visual issue causing the whirlwind effect from [Breath of Aal] to appear in an unnatural manner.


■ Content
- Increased the limit for items obtainable at Genoveva's Shop and Black Rock Shrine.
- Doubled the chance of Black Rock Shrine appearing.


■ Quests
- Added the Achievement "The End of West Valencia".
- Adventurers who have finished the main quest "A False Report" can receive the Achievement reward.


■ Event
- The event "Black Spirit’s All-in-One Growth Guide" will end soon.
- "Black Spirit’s All-in-One Growth Guide" will end on February 15 (Monday), 23:59. Adventurers are encouraged to finish the missions and collect the rewards before this date.


[The Great Desert]
- Fixed an issue causing the game to crash occasionally in the Great Desert.
- Improved Great Desert item appraisal. Items can now be appraised all at once through the village NPCs.


- Added [X-Large HP Potion] to the NPC vendors and shops in the following locations:
・Valencia Potion Vendor
・Open Arena Potion Vendor
・Great Desert Tent Shop


- Changed the following quests’ names:
・Rescue Hostages > Difficult Castle Ruins Soldiers
・Harpy Kidnapper > Flocks of Harpies
・Khuruto Hostages > Deep Inside Khuruto Cave


- Added new Alchemy Stone crafting options to the Craft menu, using Alchemy Stone Fragments.


[Great Desert]
- Fixed a display issue causing occasional problems in the Great Desert Mini-Map UI.


- Improved the Valencia quest 'Something Wicked This Way Comes' to make interacting with the chest easier.


[Path of Glory]
-Fixed an issue causing occasional skill use impediment.


- Fixed an issue where pressing [Find Appraiser] in some items lead the player to treasure appraisal NPCs instead of Lafi Bedmountain.


■ Starting Events
- (Pass) Black Spirit's Adventure
・Event Period: After the maintenance on February 2 (Tuesday) – Until the maintenance on February 16 (Tuesday)
- Challenge yourself in the new season! Path of Glory Missions
・Event Period: After the maintenance on February 2 (Tuesday) - Until May 3 (Tuesday), 23:59


■ Ending Events
- Looking Brighter Under Black Sun


※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.


■ New Products
- Pearl + Emblem Growth I
- Pearl + Emblem Growth II
- Path of Glory Season 3 Extra Entry Pass
- Season 3 Badge of Glory Pack
- All-In-One Alchemy Stone Set
- New Saturday Chest
[February 2 (Tuesday) - TBA]


■ Sales Ending
- Emblem Growth Package II
- Path of Glory Extra Entry Pass


■ Sales Ending Next Week
- None

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