
Celebrate the Season, Path of Glory Season Open Missions
EVENTS 2021.02.02

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Greetings, Adventurer!

A new set of Path of Glory Missions have been added to kick off Path of Glory: Season 3.

Win an Emblem and strengthen your family!


📢 Event Period
After the maintenance on February 2 (Tuesday) - Until May 3 (Monday) 23:59.


📢 Event Details
- Complete the Path of Glory to obtain an Emblem and a Path of Glory Season 3 Extra Entry Pass.


※ Please Note
- Complete the Path of Glory to obtain an Emblem and a Path of Glory Season 3 Extra Entry Pass.
- Upon completion of all missions, the Path of Glory missions Event will disappear from the Events & Rewards Info page.
- The event period and conditions are subject to change.
- Items obtained through event rewards may or may not be spiritbound.


Thank you.

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