
[December 8] Patch Notes (Updated)
UPDATES 2020.12.08

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Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on December 8 (Tuesday) are here! In this update, we’ve added new content, events, bug fixes, and overall improvements to the game. See below for more details about this update.

※ All screenshots were taken from the test environment and may differ from what appears in the live server.


■ Hadum World Boss Enraged Red Nose

- Enraged Red Nose joins the world bosses in Hadum's Realm.
・Requires 20 Holy Vials of Light to enter.
・The family quest [Necessary Supplies] must be completed and character level must be 45 or higher.
・Added boss knowledge for Hadum: Enraged Red Nose.
- Changed the world boss spawn timer.


Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 - 14:00 Kzarka Karanda Nouver Hadum: Enraged Red Nose Karanda Hadum: Kzarka Nouver
20:00 - 22:00 Hadum: Enraged Red Nose Enraged Red Nose Hadum: Kzarka Enraged Muskan Kzarka Enraged Giath Enraged Bheg

・Increased the fragment rewards by 2.5 times upon defeating Kzarka, Karanda, and Nouver to compensate for their reduced appearance in the recently changed world boss spawn schedule.



■ Outlaw Zone

The Outlaw Zone has opened up for Adventurers looking for greater benefits, but look out for other Adventurers!
We invite all Adventurers to the Outlaw Zone.

- Fight other Adventurers, except for guild members, in the Outlaw Zone.
ㆍAdventurers with a character level 40 or higher can participate from after the maintenance on December 8 until the next maintenance on December 22.
ㆍTap on the icon next to the mini-map to enter Outlaw Zone.
- Combat EXP +100% and Spoils Drop Rate Cooldown +10% effects are applied in Outlaw Zone. (Updated on December 8)
ㆍOutlaw Zone effects are not applied in Nightmare, The Hidden Banquet Hall, or Black Sun.
※ Tap OFF to disable Outlaw Zone and return to a normal channel.


■ 1-Year Anniversary Special Login Rewards

- We've prepared special login rewards to celebrate the 1-Year Anniversary.
ㆍEvent Period: After the maintenance on December 8 - Until the maintenance on December 22, 2020
ㆍLogin for a total of 180 minutes every day to receive 2 types of buff items and 7 Totem Chests!
ㆍThe rewards will be the same regardless of your Black Spirit's level.


■ Prepare for the Great Desert: Sand Relic Chest Appraisal Event

The expansive desert heralds the beginning of new adventures.
The Sand Relic Chest event is in progress to help Adventurers prepare for their journey to the Great Desert.

Also, don't miss out on other events we've prepared, including the 1-Year Anniversary attendance event and December Hot Time event.
※ Go to the event notice to learn about the events in more detail.


- Fixed an issue where the Trade Pass displayed when crafting trade goods from Camp > Trade Workshop.


[Black Spirit's All-in-One Growth Guide]
- The Black Spirit has prepared bountfiul gifts to celebrate Black Desert Mobile's 1-Year Anniversary. Open the gifts to see what's inside!


■ New Events
- Black Spirit's All-in-One Growth Guide
・After the maintenance on December 8 (Tuesday) - TBA
- Prepare for Great Desert! Sand Relic Chest
・After the maintenance on December 8 (Tuesday) - Until the maintenance on December 22 (Tuesday)
- 1-Year Anniversary Log-in Event
・After the maintenance on December 8 (Tuesday) - Until the maintenance on December 21 (Monday), 23:59
- 1-Year Anniversary Log-in Rewards
・After the maintenance on December 8 (Tuesday) - Until the maintenance on December 21 (Monday), 23:59
- December Fever Hot Time!
・After the maintenance on December 8 (Tuesday) - Until the maintenance on December 28 (Monday), 23:59


■ Ending Events
- Loria's Beauty Missions
- Find Ramlo's Lost Crystals
- Ethan's Daily Camp Mission
- December Letters from Shakatu
- Field of Valor Log-in Rewards


※ A separate announcement will be made for products and their sale periods.


■ Anniversary 1+1 Shop (December 8, 2020 - December 28, 23:59)
- 1-Year Anniversary Elite's Chest
- 1-Year Anniversary Warrior's Chest
- 1-Year Anniversary Mercenary's Chest
- 1-Year Anniversary Knight's Chest
- 1-Year Anniversary Baron's Chest
- 1-Year Anniversary Viscount's Chest
- 1-Year Anniversary Count's Chest


■ Anniversary Social Tokens (December 8, 2020 - December 28, 23:59)
- Path of Glory Extra Entry Pass
- Dye Palette Pack
- Refined Black Crystal: Weapon x10
- Refined Black Crystal: Armor x10
- [Mystical] Condensed Dark Energy
- Grand Weapon Black Stone x30 (Spiritbound)
- Grand Armor Black Stone x30 (Spiritbound)
- World Boss Pass Chest


■ New Products (December 8, 2020 - December 14, 23:59)
- Great Desert Prep Chest I & II


■ Sales Ending
- Musa All-Inclusive Chest
- Meahwa All-Inclusive Chest
- Global Launch Package
- Lucky Black Pearl Chest


■ Sales Ending Next Week
- All-in-One Character Growth

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