
[8/13] A Special Push Rewards for the Weekend Rush!
EVENTS 2020.08.13


Greetings, Adventurers! 


A special rush for the weekend! 💪😁 

We've prepared special push rewards for Friday through Sunday! 


Receive #LeadersBlessing in the [Mail] every day this weekend to level up your characters! 

[Tip 1💡] Use additional buff sources to gain even more EXP bonus.  

[Tip 2💡] A total of 700% EXP bonus can be achieved when using [Leader's Blessing] during the 200% Hot Time.  

※ Leader's Blessing only works when used on a character that is not the highest level in the Family.  

📢 Event Period
8/14, 00:00 - 8/16, 00:00 (Server Time) 


📢 Event Details

1) Log-in every day during the event period to receive one [Leader’s Blessing]
2) [Leader’s Blessing] will be sent via in-game mail at 00:00 (Server Time) 

※ Please Note

- The reward will be available for 24 hours from when it was initially sent. 

- The Event Period is subject to change. 


Thank you.