
Double Medal of Honor Event!
EVENTS 2025.03.18

Double Medal of Honor Event!


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Greetings, Adventurers!

A special event is here until the Medal of Honor Shop renewal arrives!
It's your chance to obtain double Medals of Honor!


▏Event Period
After maintenance on Mar 18 (Tue) - until maintenance on Apr 8 (Tue)

▏Event Details
- The amount of Medal of Honor obtained from the following content is doubled:
ㄴ Battlefield of the Sun
ㄴ Node War/Siege War
ㄴ Hero of Karkea (Monthly Reward)
ㄴ Ranked Arena (Weekly Victory Reward)
ㄴ Ramoness (Weekly Score Reward / Score Tasks)

▏Event Tab Open Requirement
- None

※ Please Note
- The event period and conditions are subject to change.

Thank you.

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