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BD9 N Outfit Details
- BD9 N Outfits are scheduled for release during the update maintenance on Mar 11 (Tue).
- The schedule is subject to change.
- Some outfits may be released in a modified state.
- BD9 N (Female) Outfits can be worn by all female classes available as of Mar 11, 2025 (Tue).
- The jacket of BD9 N (Female) Outfit can be toggled.
- The BD9 N Ornament (Female) can be equipped by all female classes.
- BD9 N (Male) Outfit can be worn by all male classes available as of Mar 11, 2025 (Tue).
- The jacket of BD9 N (Male) Outfit can be toggled.
- The BD9 N Ornament (Male) can be equipped by all male classes.
- We appreciate your interest in the new BD9 N Outfit and hope you enjoy them.