
[Announcement] Key Details of the 2024 Calpheon Ball at a Glance!

2024 Calpheon Ball

Key Details of the 2024 Calpheon Ball at a Glance!

December 15th (Sunday), the day the 2024 Calpheon Ball with Adventurers from all around the world was held!
At this ball, we were able to hear a variety of exciting news, including the Deadeye class, Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea and more!

We’ve summarized the key points introduced at the ball so you can easily review all the details!

Check it out right now!

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Coupon Codes from the Ball

As a special thank you, we've prepared various coupons for you!
Don't miss out!

❖ Future Updates ❖


December 24th

❖ New Class: Deadeye ❖

'An outlaw from a strange world who wields various guns in her arsenal with ease.'

A wanderer from a distant world, Deadeye is a sharpshooter who bends any firearm
to her will, fighting with an outlaw's spirit.

With her eyes as sharp as a hawk, Deadeye relentlessly pursue her targets leaving no room for escape.
Her unpredictable movements weave chaos through enemy lines, leaving a trail of confusion in their wake.

With her revolver in both hands, Deadeye can unleash a whirlwind of bullets, piercing her foes with an unmatched speed.
Her shotgun blasts enemies away with brutal force when a wider swatch of destruction is needed.

Once the Deadeye sets her sight on you, escape is but a fleeting illusion.

Learn more about the newest class, Deadeye through the CM Note below:
Go to [CM Note]



❖ Adventurer's Garden: Noel Special Furniture ❖

"Noel Special Furniture", new items you can use to customize your character selection screen
by installing them in your Adventurer's Garden, will be added to the game.

Installing new furniture such as "Wool Sofa," "Embroidered Carpet," "Star-Decorated Fir Tree," and "A Lamp with a Cone Hat" through your character selection screen will bring the Christmas spirit to your Adventurer's Garden.



❖ Social Action: Dance  ❖

Three new "Krocha" dances from the social emotions will be added.
Get ready to celebrate the upcoming Christmas season with some fun "Krocha" moves!


December 31st

❖  Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea ❖

Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea, where 5 party members must cooperate to conquer,
is the first zone of Atoraxxion, which means "Ator's Paradise" in the ancient language.
In this place, adventurers will also face the powerful Ancient Guardians.

Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea consists of 5 sections.
Section 1 through Area 4 requires various strategies, such as solving puzzles with precise timing
or flying through the sky to avoid obstacles, and Area 5 where a powerful boss awaits.

You can enter 5 times a week, 24 hours a day at your convenience,
and when you succeed in your strategy,
you can obtain various loot and chance to obtain'Okiara's Blessing'.

Also, defeating the boss in Area 5 grants you boss knowledge.
If one of the party members has obtained a certain level of knowledge,
you can skip Area 1 through 4 and go directly to Area 5.


❖ Memory Imprint Preset ❖

To help you manage your Memory Imprint effectively, we will be adding
"Memory Imprint Preset".

Many of our adventurers have hesitated to change classes because your equipped Memory Imprints
would not be effective with the new class you have selected,

so we're changing the way you equip them and instead, you'll now equip them through slots assigned per part.
Also, we're adding a preset function so you can easily switch between different Memory Imprint setup depending on the situation.

To make Memory Imprint even more useful and flexible, the effects will be applied to all characters within your family where
you can freely switch between characters and benefit from your Memory Imprint effects without any restrictions.



❖ [Awakening] Dawnveil Gear  ❖

The Awakening of Dawnveil Gear will be added.

Dawnveil Gear can be awakened by using Flame of Hongik, Chaos Jewel, and Ah'krad,
and an additional of 1,500 will be added to your CP once all gears have been awakened.

January 14th

❖ Mountain of Eternal Winter Renewal ❖

The Mountain of Eternal winter will be renewed to better match the growth of Adventurers.
Each hunting area will feature an adjusted CP recommendation, and updated monsters including the selection of loot available.

The current CP recommendation of 39,556 - 61,548 will be expanded to 39,000 - 83,000,
and with this expansion, Adventurers will be able to obtain even more loot than before especially in areas above 61,000 CP.

Also, the "Winter Forest Ronaros," where you can obtain the "Supreme EXP Scroll," is being expanded!
There will be five different hunting areas giving adventurers more options to choose from.

Moreover, the drop rate for the "Darkened Winter Heart" will be increased,
including Abyssal and Primal-grade Memory Imprints for necklace.



❖The Renewal of the Land of the Sherekhan ❖

Along with the Mountain of Eternal Winter, the Land of Sherekhan will be revamped as well.

The current CP bracket of 43,000 - 60,000 will be expanded to 42,000 - 83,000,
and the method to acquire loot will also have some changes.

At the moment, the type of loot you can obtain such as Primal-grade Charm of Succession or Sealed Charm of Succession
have remained the same with the quantity changing based on the CP bracket.

Soon, "Sealed Charm of Succession" will be obtainable in all hunting areas,
and acquiring Primal-grade Charm of Succession, Knowledge EXP Scroll: Katzvariak, Shadow Knot, Primal Crystal Fluid, and Supreme EXP scroll will
depend on the CP bracket of the hunting area offering different key rewards for each bracket.

In addition, a new boss, Leebur will be added.
Adventurers can summon Leebur using "Bloodstone of Sherekhan", which is obtained through hunting.

When you defeat Leebur, you can obtain "Clockwork", "Sealed Charm of Succession", and other various loot,
and a low rate of obtaining a Chaos-grade Charm of Succession.



❖ [Eternal] Charm of Succession❖

Crafting an Eternal-grade Charm of Succession will be available
by using a +5 Chaos-grade Charm of Succession or higher, Ambergris, Ah'krad, and Voidsent Eye as materials.

When crafting an Abyssal-grade Charm of Succession, the existing enchantment will remain,
and you can enhance it further by using Sealed Charm of Succession.

Abyssal-grade Charm of Succession will also have an Critical Damage Limit increase
through enchantment, which can go up to 30%.


January 21st

❖ Nightmare: Tshira ❖

Nightmare: Tshira is a combined PvP and PvE content available for 24 hours that features two separate areas.
Adventurers can enter Nightmare: Poison of Tshira with 68,000 or higher CP
and Nightmare: Tshira for Adventurers with 40,000 or higher CP.

Each zone contains a total of 25 hunting areas,
and both Poison of Tshira and Tshira can accomodate 50 Adventurers at the same time, for a total of 100 Adventurers.
Upon participation, "Sealed Charm of Succession" can be obtained as a key reward.

When entering, Adventurers will have 10 minutes to explore Nightmare,
and the timer will refresh everytime you defeat monsters or other Adventurer.
If the current Adventurers inside the map exceeds 80% of its maximum capacity, only defeating other Adventurers will allow you to refresh your timer.

Adventurers who enter Nightmare will also have a debuff called "Poison Effect of Tshira"
which stacks overtime, reducing your CP as you progress the content.

This debuff will be removed 6 hours after leaving Nightmare. However, its duration will be reset
if you re-enter Nightmare before the buff expires.



❖Concentrated HP Potion❖

A new craftable item "Concentrated HP Potion" that restores 1,500 HP will be added.

Adventurers can craft Concentrated HP Potion by using Jumbo HP Potion,
Exuberant Sunstone, including a "Spirit Dust" which can be obtained
by hunting in any region of Kamasylvia.



❖ Specialization Update ❖

We are planning to implement class specialization updates for all of the 21 remaining classes starting with Corsair, Woosa, Titan, Lahn, and Crimson Lily
with the goal of completing them within the first quarter of next year.

We will do our best to update each class in a way that aligns with its concept and characteristics,
whether through chanelling strength or through summoning entities that would fight alongside your class.



February 4th


❖ Dream Horse: Aduanatt! ❖

One of the three children of Krogdalo, the legend of Kamasylvia,
the Dream Horse: Arduanatt, who roams vast spaces like the free wind, will be updated.

Arduanatt can use the 'Quantum Jump' skill in Everfrost, the Land of Sherekhan, the Land of the Morning Light, and the Night of the Vengeful Souls. This allows it to jump not only to saved locations but also to directly designated spots on the world map.

Arduanatt can be obtained through the Dream Horse Awakening using materials such as an 8-tier horse, Krogdalo's Spirit Stone,
and the 'Blooming Innocence Feather' item, which can be obtained in the western and northern regions of Kamasylvia.



❖ Abyssal Outfit: Shudad Argent ❖

Abyssal-grade outfit, "Shudad Argent" will be added,
where you can craft it using a Mystical Outfit along with either "Artisan's Skein" and "Silver" or "Memory Shard".

When crafting "Shudad Argent", the stats of the Mystical outfit used as a material will remain the same,
and an extra sockets that can be upgraded the same way with Chaos Enchantment on existing gear will be updated.

You will be able to increase the AP stats for weapon outfit and DP stats for outfits
from 1 to 100 through enchantment.


After March

❖ Rabam Skills ❖

The Rabam Skills are powerful skills that draws on inner strength, acquired by overcoming a special trial taught by Rabam,
the royal advisor of Valencia, who is renowned for his enlightenment in various fields of study.

The Rabam Skill allows you to choose and apply the desired skill category.
It can also be enhanced with Skillbooks, which can be obtained from specific content.

All classes will be updated simultaneously,
and each will receive two new skills.

※ Due to the scheduled update, some items are temporarily restricted from being traded in the Marketplace.
ㆍOkiara's Blessing, Krogdalo's Spirit Stone, Ambergris, Ah'krad, Sealed Charm of Succession, and six types of Eternal-grade accessories, Voidsent Eye, Embers of Hongik, Flame of Hongik, Chaos Jewel, all types of [Abyssal ~ Primal] Unknown Memory.

※Through the maintenance on December 17 (Tuesday), the items listed on the Marketplace will be expired and sent via in-game mail.

We will continue to do our best for the adventurers who always love and support Black Desert Mobile.

Thank you.
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