
Notice on Content Changes

Notice on Content Changes

Greetings, Adventurers.
This is the Black Desert Mobile Service Team.


On October 14th, we shared details on the autumn update through a developer commentary video. <LINK>
We would like to provide more detailed information about adjusting different content for each service region.

Black Desert Mobile is available in Korea, Japan, Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau, and other global regions, with adventurers from around 150 countries.

We have been working to reduce the CP and content gaps so that adventurers in all regions can enjoy the same gameplay experience.

As a result, we have been rolling out the same updates across all regions with a two-week difference.

However, as the service period extends, with differences in content, specific items' stats, enhancement rates, and resonance effects, tailored to each region, even the same updates would bring different levels of excitement and appeal of the new content.

We believe that if this situation continues, it will be difficult to provide high-quality content to adventurers.

Therefore, we plan to align content specifications across all service regions in a way that is not disadvantageous to adventurers, prioritizing frequently used content or parts that can be quickly adjusted.

We hope this update allows Adventurers in all regions to have the same gameplay experience, and serves as a steppingstone towards a better future for Black Desert Mobile.

Please check out the detailed changes below.

Notice on Content Changes


1. Stats of Mystical to Eternal Accessories will increase.


Grade Enhancement Normal  Awakened 
Before  After  Before  After 
Mystical  +0  54  98  76  120 
+1  59  105  81  129 
+2  64  114  86  140 
+3  69  123  91  151 
+4  74  137  96  167 
+5  79  171  101  203 
+6  84  222  106  256 
+7  89  282  111  318 
+8  94  370  116  408 
+9  99  460  121  500 
+10  104  555  126  597 
Abyssal  +0  67  368  89  415 
+1  73  386  95  444 
+2  79  403  101  475 
+3  85  423  107  508 
+4  92  448  114  543 
+5  100  497  122  595 
+6  110  554  132  652 
+7  122  616  144  714 
+8  137  687  159  782 
+9  155  762  177  856 
+10  177  842  199  937 
Primal  +0  108  526  130  647 
+1  116  556  138  677 
+2  125  596  147  717 
+3  135  646  157  767 
+4  147  701  169  822 
+5  162  756  184  877 
+6  180  819  202  940 
+7  203  903  225  1024 
+8  232  991  254  1112 
+9  270  1083  292  1204 
+10  322  1179  344  1300 
Chaos  +0  234  526  264  647 
+1  247  556  278  677 
+2  260  596  293  717 
+3  274  646  308  767 
+4  289  701  325  822 
+5  306  756  342  877 
+6  324  819  362  940 
+7  346  903  386  1024 
+8  375  991  416  1112 
+9  410  1083  453  1204 
+10  464  1179  511  1300 
Eternal  +0  568  946  806  1286 
+1  593  978  839  1319 
+2  625  1022  886  1366 
+3  664  1077  943  1423 
+4  706  1136  1005  1485 
+5  749  1196  1068  1548 
+6  798  1265  1141  1621 
+7  863  1357  1237  1717 
+8  933  1453  1338  1818 
+9  1008  1553  1443  1923 
+10  1093  1657  1552  2032 



Grade Enhancement Normal  Awakened 
Before  After  Before  After 
Mystical  +0  60  109  84  133 
+1  66  117  90  143 
+2  72  127  96  155 
+3  78  137  102  167 
+4  84  153  108  185 
+5  90  191  114  225 
+6  96  248  120  284 
+7  102  314  126  352 
+8  108  412  132  452 
+9  114  512  138  554 
+10  120  618  144  662 
Abyssal  +0  73  412  97  463 
+1  80  431  104  494 
+2  87  451  111  527 
+3  94  473  118  562 
+4  102  501  126  600 
+5  111  556  135  657 
+6  122  618  146  719 
+7  135  687  159  788 
+8  151  766  175  863 
+9  170  850  194  946 
+10  193  941  217  1037 
Primal  +0  120  582  144  714 
+1  129  617  153  749 
+2  138  662  162  794 
+3  149  717  173  849 
+4  162  772  186  904 
+5  178  832  202  964 
+6  198  908  222  1040 
+7  223  1003  247  1135 
+8  255  1102  279  1234 
+9  297  1206  321  1338 
+10  354  1315  378  1447 
Chaos  +0  262  582  296  714 
+1  276  617  311  749 
+2  291  662  327  794 
+3  307  717  344  849 
+4  323  772  362  904 
+5  342  832  382  964 
+6  362  908  404  1040 
+7  387  1003  431  1135 
+8  418  1102  464  1234 
+9  457  1206  505  1338 
+10  518  1315  569  1447 
Eternal  +0  630  1049  891  1431 
+1  659  1087  931  1471 
+2  694  1136  983  1523 
+3  737  1196  1046  1586 
+4  780  1256  1109  1649 
+5  828  1321  1177  1717 
+6  886  1404  1264  1804 
+7  959  1508  1373  1913 
+8  1037  1616  1487  2027 
+9  1121  1729  1605  2145 
+10  1218  1848  1730  2270 



Grade Enhancement Normal  Awakened 
Before  After  Before  After 
Mystical  +0  42  76  60  94 
+1  46  82  64  102 
+2  50  89  68  111 
+3  54  96  72  120 
+4  58  107  76  133 
+5  62  133  80  161 
+6  66  172  84  202 
+7  70  218  88  250 
+8  74  286  92  320 
+9  78  356  96  392 
+10  82  430  100  468 
Abyssal  +0  55  287  73  325 
+1  60  300  78  350 
+2  65  313  83  377 
+3  70  328  88  405 
+4  76  347  94  435 
+5  83  385  101  476 
+6  92  429  110  521 
+7  103  477  121  571 
+8  117  534  135  624 
+9  134  592  152  682 
+10  155  655  173  746 
Primal  +0  90  417  108  516 
+1  98  447  116  546 
+2  106  477  124  576 
+3  115  512  133  611 
+4  126  552  144  651 
+5  139  597  157  696 
+6  155  650  173  749 
+7  175  717  193  816 
+8  201  790  219  889 
+9  235  868  253  967 
+10  281  954  299  1053 
Chaos  +0  195  417  220  516 
+1  205  447  231  546 
+2  217  477  244  576 
+3  228  512  256  611 
+4  241  552  270  651 
+5  255  597  285  696 
+6  270  650  301  749 
+7  288  717  321  816 
+8  312  790  346  889 
+9  341  868  377  967 
+10  387  954  425  1053 
Eternal  +0  458  758  645  1035 
+1  482  791  679  1069 
+2  507  823  713  1103 
+3  534  861  753  1143 
+4  566  905  799  1189 
+5  601  954  850  1240 
+6  643  1012  911  1301 
+7  694  1085  988  1378 
+8  752  1165  1072  1462 
+9  816  1250  1161  1551 
+10  891  1343  1259  1649 



Grade Enhancement Normal  Awakened 
Before  After  Before  After 
Mystical  +0  49  89  70  110 
+1  54  96  75  119 
+2  59  104  80  129 
+3  64  112  85  139 
+4  69  125  90  154 
+5  74  156  95  187 
+6  79  202  100  235 
+7  84  256  105  291 
+8  89  336  110  373 
+9  94  418  115  457 
+10  99  504  120  545 
Abyssal  +0  62  336  83  381 
+1  68  352  89  408 
+2  74  367  95  437 
+3  80  384  101  467 
+4  87  406  108  499 
+5  95  450  116  546 
+6  105  502  126  599 
+7  117  559  138  656 
+8  132  625  153  718 
+9  150  694  171  787 
+10  172  768  193  862 
Primal  +0  103  478  124  594 
+1  111  508  132  624 
+2  120  548  141  664 
+3  130  588  151  704 
+4  142  638  163  754 
+5  157  688  178  804 
+6  175  749  196  865 
+7  198  827  219  943 
+8  227  910  248  1026 
+9  265  998  286  1114 
+10  316  1092  337  1208 
Chaos  +0  224  478  252  594 
+1  235  508  265  624 
+2  248  548  279  664 
+3  262  588  294  704 
+4  276  638  309  754 
+5  292  688  326  804 
+6  309  749  345  865 
+7  330  827  368  943 
+8  358  910  397  1026 
+9  391  998  432  1114 
+10  443  1092  487  1208 
Eternal  +0  526  873  742  1192 
+1  551  906  777  1227 
+2  583  949  822  1272 
+3  615  993  868  1318 
+4  654  1047  925  1375 
+5  693  1102  982  1432 
+6  741  1168  1052  1502 
+7  801  1253  1141  1591 
+8  867  1344  1236  1686 
+9  938  1440  1337  1787 
+10  1022  1542  1444  1894 



Grade Enhancement Normal  Awakened 
Before  After  Before  After 
Mystical  +0  54  98  76  120 
+1  59  105  81  129 
+2  64  114  86  140 
+3  69  123  91  151 
+4  74  137  96  167 
+5  79  171  101  203 
+6  84  222  106  256 
+7  89  282  111  318 
+8  94  370  116  408 
+9  99  460  121  500 
+10  104  555  126  597 
Abyssal  +0  67  368  89  415 
+1  73  386  95  444 
+2  79  403  101  475 
+3  85  423  107  508 
+4  92  448  114  543 
+5  100  497  122  595 
+6  110  554  132  652 
+7  122  616  144  714 
+8  137  687  159  782 
+9  155  762  177  856 
+10  177  842  199  937 
Primal  +0  108  526  130  647 
+1  116  556  138  677 
+2  125  596  147  717 
+3  135  646  157  767 
+4  147  701  169  822 
+5  162  756  184  877 
+6  180  819  202  940 
+7  203  903  225  1024 
+8  232  991  254  1112 
+9  270  1083  292  1204 
+10  322  1179  344  1300 
Chaos  +0  234  526  264  647 
+1  247  556  278  677 
+2  260  596  293  717 
+3  274  646  308  767 
+4  289  701  325  822 
+5  306  756  342  877 
+6  324  819  362  940 
+7  346  903  386  1024 
+8  375  991  416  1112 
+9  410  1083  453  1204 
+10  464  1179  511  1300 
Eternal  +0  568  946  806  1286 
+1  593  978  839  1319 
+2  625  1022  886  1366 
+3  664  1077  943  1423 
+4  706  1136  1005  1485 
+5  749  1196  1068  1548 
+6  798  1265  1141  1621 
+7  863  1357  1237  1717 
+8  933  1453  1338  1818 
+9  1008  1553  1443  1923 
+10  1093  1657  1552  2032 

2. Effects of certain Abyssal Accessories will be adjusted.
ㆍApplied to: Ultimate Mark of the Shadow, Ultimate Ogre Ring, Ultimate Witch's Earrings, Ultimate Tree Spirit's Belt, Ultimate Giant's Ring

Before After
Max HP: +600, 
Crit Chance: +3%, 
Move Speed: +2.5%
Max HP: +600, 
Attack Speed: +2.5%, 
Move Speed: +3%

3. Chaos Accessory effects will be adjusted.

Before After
Max HP +800, 
Crit Chance: +3%, 
Attack Speed: +2.5%
Max HP +600, 
Crit Chance: +3%, 
Attack Speed: +2.5%



1. Certain stats of Unique-grade Outfits will increase.

Unique Grade

Type  Before  After 
Weapon Outfit AP: +5
DP: +5
AP: +10
DP: +10
Armor Outfit AP: +5
DP: +5
AP: +10
DP: +10


2. Certain stats of Epic and Mystical Outfits will increase.

Weapon Outfit (Epic, Mystical)

Before  After 
+16  +31 
+17  +32 
+18  +33 
+19  +34 
+20  +35 
+21  +36 
+22  +37 
+23  +38 
+24  +39 
+25  +40 

Armor Outfit (Epic, Mystical)

Before  After 
+16  +31 
+17  +32 
+18  +33 
+19  +34 
+20  +35 
+21  +36 
+22  +37 
+23  +38 
+24  +39 
+25  +40 

ㆍStats of Epic and Mystical Outfits owned will be increased by the enhanced values.
- Epic Weapon Outfits in possession with AP+16/DP+16 will be changed to AP+31/DP+16
- Epic Armor Outfits in possession with AP+16/DP+16 will be changed to AP+16/DP+31


- When fusing Runes, the rate of obtaining higher-grade runes will increase.

Elion (Unique to Abyssal)

Materials Grade  Result Grade  Rate Before (%)  Rate After (%) 
Unique Unique 80  70 
Epic 20  30 
Epic Epic 90  80 
Mystical 10  20 
Mystical Mystical 99  90 
Abyssal 10 
Abyssal Abyssal 99.5  95 
Primal 0.5 

Hadum (Normal to Abyssal)

Materials Grade  Result Grade  Rate Before (%)  Rate After (%) 
Normal Normal 85  40 
Magic 15  60 
Magic Magic 87.5  50 
Rare 12.5  50 
Rare Rare 90  60 
Unique 10  40 
Unique Unique 92.5  70 
Epic 7.5  30 
Epic Epic 95  70 
Mystical 30 
Mystical Mystical 99  80 
Abyssal 20 
Abyssal Abyssal 99.5  90 
Primal 0.5  10 

ㆍ With the increased rate of obtaining higher-grade runes through Fuse Runes, you will receive the following items based on the number of Primal Elion/Hadum Runes equipped.
For 1 Primal Elion Rune equipped: Receive 1 random Elion Primal Rune or 1 Luminescent Crystal x500 Selection Chest
- For 1 Primal Hadum Rune equipped: Receive 1 random Hadum Primal Rune or 1 Luminescent Crystal x1,000 Selection Chest


1. A tile crafting feature will be added to the Deco Workshop.
ㆍ You can install crafted tiles using the Install Tiles feature added to manage mode.

2. The Amity increase value will change when delivering a gift to an NPC.

Before  After 
Preferred Gifts 1
Non-Preferred Gifts 0.5
Preferred Gifts 10
Non-Preferred Gifts 5

3. Deco Workshop will be expanded to level 14, with new decorations added.

Tier New Decorations
Tier 8 Nature Fence (Corner), Nature Fence Gate,
Nature Fence (Diagonal), Wishing Well Garden, Clock Tower
Tier 9 Stone Flower Bed, Small Nature Fence, Nature Fence,
Nature Fence Column, Flower Swing
Tier 10 Bell Tower, Wooden Swing, Round Flower Bed
Tier 12 White Tree of Kamasylvia, Kamasylvia Round Tree,
Kamasylvia Streetlamp

ㆍMaple trees can be obtained from foraged items created on the Camp ground, regardless of the Deco Workshop's level.

4. Black Pearl Chests will no longer be craftable at the Trade Workshop.

5. Armor/Weapon Outfit Chests will no longer be craftable at the Dye Workshop.

6. Black Stones will automatically be produced at the Refinery.
ㆍYou can obtain produced Black Stones via the Take Out button in the Refinery.

7. Content for supporting guild members with Camp resources will be added.
ㆍYou can support or request Camp resources from guild members in the Camp.

8. Certain materials required for camp building upgrades will decrease.

Building Level Before After
Ranch Lv 4 -> Lv 5  Log x1,620 Log x1,296
Lv 5 -> Lv 6  Log x1,755 Log x1,404
Lv 6 -> Lv 7  Log x1,800 Log x1,440
Rugged Boulder x675 Rugged Boulder x540
Lv 7 -> Lv 8  Log x3,422 Log x1,600
Rugged Boulder x1,283 Rugged Boulder x600
Lv 8 -> Lv 9  Log x5,750 Log x2,211
Lv 9 -> Lv 10  Log x7,315 Log x2,812
Food Storage Lv 6 -> Lv 7  Log x720 Log x576
Rugged Boulder x270 Rugged Boulder x216
Lv 7 -> Lv 8  Log x1,440 Log x1,152
Rugged Boulder x540 Rugged Boulder x432
Lv 8 -> Lv 9  Log x6,270 Log x2,409
Lv 9 -> Lv 10  Log x7,840 Log x3,014
Stable Lv 3 -> Lv 4  Log x960 Log x768
Rugged Boulder x360 Rugged Boulder x288
Lv 4 -> Lv 5  Log x4,705 Log x1,808
Refinery Lv 6 -> Lv 7  Log x720 Log x576
Rugged Boulder x270 Rugged Boulder x216
Lv 7 -> Lv 8  Log x1,440 Log x1,152
Rugged Boulder x540 Rugged Boulder x432
Lv 8 -> Lv 9  Log x6,270 Log x2,409
Lv 9 -> Lv 10  Log x7,840 Log x3,014
Lodging Lv 2 -> Lv 3  Log x4,180 Log x1,606
Blacksmith Lv 6 -> Lv 7  Log x1,920 Log x1,536
Rugged Boulder x720 Rugged Boulder x576
Lv 7 -> Lv 8  Log x2,280 Log x1,824
Rugged Boulder x855 Rugged Boulder x684
Lv 8 -> Lv 9  Log x6,270 Log x2,570
Lv 9 -> Lv 10  Log x7,840 Log x3,288
Alchemy Lab Lv 5 -> Lv 6  Log x1,485 Log x1,188
Lv 6 -> Lv 7  Log x1,560 Log x1,248
Rugged Boulder x585 Rugged Boulder x468
Lv 7 -> Lv 8  Log x2,662 Log x1,290
Rugged Boulder x998 Rugged Boulder x485
Lv 8 -> Lv 9  Log x4,705 Log x1,808
Lv 9 -> Lv 10  Log x5,750 Log x2,211
Extractor Lv 1 -> Lv 2  Log x540 Log x206
Rugged Boulder x270 Rugged Boulder x103
Lv 2 -> Lv 3  Log x1,620 Log x621
Lv 3 -> Lv 4  Log x1,800 Log x691
Rugged Boulder x675 Rugged Boulder x259
Lv 4 -> Lv 5  Log x5,750 Log x2,211


1. Certain rewards that can be obtained from Knowledge levels will be adjusted.
ㆍIf you have already claimed Knowledge level rewards, increased rewards have been sent via mail.

2. Ancient Ruins Guardian Kabuamilles' Knowledge max level will increase.

Before  After 
300  400 


1. Boss Stamps and Ancient Tablets will be tradable on the Market.

2. Black Pearl Chests won't be registrable on the Market.


- HP recovery effects will be added to skills of some non-Awakening classes created before Ascension/Awakening.


Battle Cry
- HP Recovery effect will be added.

Chopping Kick
- The skill enhancement "Increase Hit Targets" will be changed to "Recover HP."



Call of the Earth
- HP recovery will increase.
ㆍ 100-300 → 200-600

Tearing Arrow
- The skill enhancement "Increase Range" will be adjusted to "Recover HP."


Giant's Roar
- The skill enhancement "MP Recovery" will be adjusted to "Recover HP."

Raging Thunder
- The skill enhancement "Decrease Move Speed" will be adjusted to "Recover HP."



Healing Aura
- The skill enhancement "Increase AP" will be adjusted to "Increase DP."
- The skill enhancement "Increase Move Speed" will be adjusted to "Recover HP."

Dagger Stab
- The skill enhancement "Increase Range" will be adjusted to "Recover HP."


Shield Throw
- The skill enhancement "Decrease Move Speed" will be adjusted to "Recover HP."

Breath of Elion
- The skill enhancement "Increase Move Speed" will be adjusted to "Increase DP."



Soul Siphon
- The skill enhancement "Decrease AP" will be adjusted to "Recover HP."
- "Recover HP" will trigger instead of "Decrease AP" when using Shards of Darkness through Soul Siphon.


1. Default inventory slots will increase.
- Inventory +10/20/100 Slots items previously available for purchase in the Pearl Shop will be applied to everyone for free, increasing default inventory slots to 300.

2. Maximum inventory slots will increase to 600 slots.
- You can spend currency to expand inventory slots.

※ Those who already purchased the Inventory +100 Slots Pearl Item will receive the following Pearls via Mail.
ㆍ If purchased before Dec 22, 2020: 1,200 Pearls
ㆍ If purchased after Dec 22, 2020: 120 Pearls


1. Certain CP Resonance effects will be adjusted.

Effect Before  After 
1st Effect AP +50, DP +50 AP +100
3rd Effect AP +50, DP +50 DP +100

2. The weight of Elion loot will decrease by around 60%.
e.g) The weight of Sturdy Helmet has decreased from 1.76 to 1.06.

3. The weight of appraisal items found in desert areas will decrease by around 33%.
e.g) The weight of Hystria Power Source II will decrease from 202 to 67.3.

4. The buying price of certain items will be adjusted.

Type  Before  After 
Small HP Potion 200 Silver 150 Silver
Medium HP Potion 500 Silver 360 Silver
Large HP Potion 2,000 Silver 630 Silver
X-Large HP Potion 5,000 Silver 800 Silver

5. The selling price of Alyaelli Fragments will increase.

Before After
67,000 Silver 790,000 Silver

6. Lucky Combo will be added to Shakatu's Shop Level I and II.
ㆍ Lucky Combo rewards can be obtained when buying 10 Level I or II items from Shakatu's Shop if their grades match the combo.

Level Reward
Level I Fortune Scroll x7
Level II Alyaelli Fragment x800

7. The EXP required for Tier 1 horses to achieve Lv 10 will be reduced to around 2% of the current amount.

8. The EXP required to increase Black Spirit levels will be adjusted.
ㆍThe EXP requirements between Lv 3 - 74 will decrease, while the EXP requirements between Lv 75 - 210 will increase.

9. The amount of Silver required for skill training with skillbooks will be adjusted.

Type Before After
Master Skillbook Chest 800 Silver 1,500 Silver
Expert Skillbook Chest 200 Silver 500 Silver
Novice Skillbook Chest 50 Silver 150 Silver
Novice-Master Skillbook Chest 122 Silver 294 Silver

This update is scheduled to be applied during the maintenance on Oct 29 (Tue).
If there are any further content adjustments, we will inform you through the patch notes.
We will continue to do our best to provide better service to our Adventurers.

Thank you.