
Guild League Preview

Guild League Preview


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Two guilds face off and fight for points.
The guild with the most points will be crowned victorious in the Guild League!

Guild League will be introduced
as a pre-season skirmish
after the update maintenance on Oct 2 (Wed).

Before the update,
watch the gameplay video
and look at the basic rules of Guild League.

<Basic Rules>

Event Schedule

Oct 3 (Thu)

18:30 - 20:00

Oct 6 (Sun)

16:30 - 18:00

Oct 10 (Thu)

18:30 - 20:00

Oct 13 (Sun)

16:30 - 18:00

Guild Masters/Officers create the party! Ten guild members must participate to enter.

Match Found! The battle begins as soon as an opponent guild is found.

Victory Conditions

Defeat your opponents.
Earn points for each kill!

The mightier the opponent,
the more points they're worth!

Just keep one thing in mind:

The guild with more points wins!

The number above a character's head indicates
the points you can earn by defeating them!

<Battlefield Details>

Battlefield Map

Red: Guild Respawn Points
Yellow: Center
Green: Sides

All areas are accessible through the center.

Battlefield Artifacts

In the Guild League skirmish,
various Artifacts will appear across the battlefield.
Some examples are the Artifact of Amplification,
which boosts CP and other stats,
and the Artifact of Lightning, which transforms into powerful lightning.

Respawn Location

If you are defeated,
you will automatically revive at your guild's Respawn Point.

There is a narrow crossing at each Respawn Point
that connects it to the center.


From the center, you can move to the sides,
left and right.
Artifacts will also appear in those areas.


There are bushes placed
throughout the Guild League skirmish map.

An adventurer who goes into a bush
will not be visible to adventurers outside it.


<Skirmish Rank & Rewards>

Ranks are determined by points!
Guilds can earn points by winning matches.
However, the defeated guild will lose points.

Points will be updated in real-time!
The ranks of all guilds participating
in the Guild League skirmish will be updated in real-time.
So, go check your guild's rank after each match!

Get rank rewards after the skirmish ends!

Use an item to send rewards
to all guild members via the Guild Gift Box.

The quantity of rewards varies based on the rank.
Reward details will be revealed after the update.

<Actual Gameplay Footage>

As you did for the Azunak Arena,
you can preview Guild League before the update through the video!

Check out this gameplay video
showcasing thrilling scenes from the Guild League,
and experience the action firsthand!

※ The video was filmed in a test environment,
and the menu placement and other details may differ in the actual update.

Band together ten guild members to face off
against opposing guilds in a 1:1 Guild League showdown!

Guild League will arrive as a skirmish
through the Oct 2 (Wed) update maintenance.
We hope you will enjoy this new content.

※ Details are subject to change in the actual update.