
Node War and Siege War Weekly Report: August Week 4

Node War and Siege War Weekly Report

Greetings, Adventurers!


This is our weekly report on Node War and Siege War. 

Let’s find out what happened on your server!


※ In Node War results, the total number of occupied Nodes includes Free Occupation.
※ Any occupation of a Node without war or bidding competition and if 2 or more 'Artifact' are not destroyed during the war will fall under the 'Free Node' section.


Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 33 2 61,034


Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 4 31 37,490


Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 33 2 63,916

Europe - Oasis

Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 13 22 36,609


Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 35 0 64,603

Asia - Oasis

Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 8 27 46,135



Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon Phоenix 69,392
Valencia StarkNekkid

America - Oasis

Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon AngеI 51,132
Valencia Oаsis


Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon ChaosLegion 70,411
Valencia EИYG爪A

Europe - Oasis

Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon ChaosLegion 53,799
Valencia Villains


Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon Myst 71,608
Valencia JUSTONЕ

Asia - Oasis

Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon Maverickz 57,814
Valencia 十悪Villаiиs玉十

We will return next week with more results from Node Wars and Siege Wars. 

Thank you.