
Azunak Arena Expedition

Azunak Arena Expedition

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Azunak Arena, introduced at the 2024 Heidel Ball, will soon arrive!

Before introducing the content to you in-game,
we wanted to share basic details, flow,
and neat tips on Azunak Arena
through this Azunak Arena Expedition!

What is Azunak Arena?

In this content, three guild members form a team, and up to 10 teams can compete. It runs on Mondays from 18:00 - 18:50 and Thursdays from 20:00 - 20:50, and each match takes place for 10 minutes.

Upon entering the arena, every Adventurer begins at level 1 with the same stats. Character stats increase as the character levels up.

At the beginning of battle, you can level up quickly by defeating monsters that spawn around the arena. At the middle mark of battle, teams encounter one another.

Portals that can help you move quickly to other zones can be found in the arena. Also, there are powerful bosses from whom you can acquire special skills.

Space-Time Distort occurs when the battle is about to end, and all the Adventurers, moved to a specific location, must survive until the end of battle.

Azunak Arena: Prep for Joining the Arena

You can team up with guild members and create a party of three to participate!

- Characters at 40,000 CP or higher can participate after joining a guild.
- You need to invite guild members to form a team.
- You can participate with different team members in each match.

Dosa, Sura, and Shai formed the "Azunak Arena Expedition" team and joined the arena.
What roles did they each take in the arena?

I led the battle with a Dosa, known for dealing damage over a wide area.

I protected Shai and supported Dosa as Sura, characterized by swift pursuit and fast attack speed.

I, as Shai, quickly recovered HP for myself and my teammates.

Enter the arena and check out a variety of information essential for battle!

1: Timer - Provides major timings.
2: Real-Time Info - Updates you with new info in real-time.
3: Map/Status/Rank - Shows the arena map, current status, and ranks.
4: Team Info - Displays the levels and HP status of your teammates.
5: Level and Points - Your character's current level and points are displayed above their head.

Map: You can check your current location and the positions of key targets.

Portals of the same color are connected.

Respawn Points
There are a total of 7 Respawn Points. You can revive at a selected spot when defeated.
ㆍ You can also choose to revive in place where you were defeated.
ㆍ You can revive 10 seconds after you're defeated.

As battles intensify in the later phases, Space-Time Distort occurs,
and from that point on, you can only revive once.

When you can no longer revive, you can watch your teammates.

Quick Message: Communicate easily and quickly with your team.

Tap the icon to the right of the HP gauge to display the message list.
When used, a ping is created at your current location and displayed on the Map.

The message you send will appear above your character's head and on the team info widget.
In urgent situations, just tapping the ping button will show your location info.

How did the "Azunak Arena Expedition" team use the feature in the arena?

Compared to Sura and Dosa, Shai lacked mobility.
However, by simply following the pings from teammates, I didn't fall too far behind.

When I wasn't sure where to go and was having trouble finding the way,
I was able to navigate without much difficulty by following the quick messages and pings.

As I was moving a bit ahead and couldn't see any teammates around, I used a ping.
And when I saw them following me, I felt relieved.

Azunak Arena: Beginning

Monsters: When the battle begins, monsters spawn around the map.

Progression: It is important to defeat monsters to level up in the beginning.

Leveling Up
All nearby team members gain EXP when monsters are defeated.
Leveling up increases character stats.

The higher your CP before entering, the more bonus EXP you'll earn when defeating monsters.
This allows for slightly faster progression, but even with lower CP,
you can close the gap rapidly by quickly defeating monsters.

The member who deals the final blow to the monster earns the points.
The final ranking is determined by adding up the points of all members.

Guide: Follow the arrows on the ground to encounter the next group of monsters.

Preparation: Level up and get ready for combat against other teams.

How did the "Azunak Arena Expedition" team do in the beginning?

As soon as we started, there was a monster, so I took it down immediately.
Haha, all the points were mine!

But I didn't see the other teams in the beginning.
It seemed like our starting positions were a bit far apart.

After clearing one group of monsters, I noticed arrows on the ground.
Following them led me to another group of monsters, so I took them down as well.

After clearing them, I followed other arrows, and there were more monsters.
I think you can grow easily in the beginning just by following the arrows!

The monsters early on weren't too strong, so there wasn't a need for the whole team to stick together.

By going ahead to the next monster group and taking them down, I was able to level up faster.
Still, I couldn't go too far from the team because I felt uneasy being on my own.

Azunak Arena: Middle

Engagement: As teams grow, they eventually encounter each other, leading to combat.

When you defeat an Adventurer from another team, you steal their points and gain EXP.
The defeated Adventurer loses points, but their level will not drop.

It's important for team members, each with their own role, to move as one unit.

Together as Three!
It's safer to move with your teammates rather than wandering around alone.

How did the "Azunak Arena Expedition" team do in combat with the other teams?

There were several teams fighting up ahead,
and I trusted Sura and Shai and jumped into the battle.

Our team had a higher level, and we were able to easily defeat them who were already engaged in combat with one another.
Thanks to that, we quickly achieved 7 kills!

Dosa went in first and distracted them all
while I snuck in like an assassin and wiped out the enemies!

Since I played as a healer who didn’t have a high score, I wasn’t targeted.
So I was able to use recovery skills freely nearby without facing much danger.

From the mid-point onward, the top 3 Adventurers’ locations are displayed on the Map.

Pay attention when high-scoring Adventurers' locations are revealed on the Map.

Your team might have progressed well enough to have your location exposed,
or it could be that a well-leveled opposing team is nearby.

If you're aiming for the top ranks, this could be an opportunity to turn the tide.
However, if you're still in the process, these high scorers might be the ones you should avoid.

Azunak Arena: End

Space-Time Distort:
Space-Time Distort occurs 3 minutes and 30 seconds before the arena ends.

All participants are teleported to one location and become momentarily invincible.
You'll be moved to the same spot as your team members. There may also be other teams around.

Limited Zone
An unknown power controls the zone bound by Space-Time Distort.
A bl
ue veil surrounds the location that you arrive at from Space-Time Distort.
You cannot move outside of the veil.

Since all teams gather at a small zone,
it is the perfect opportunity for teams that have leveled up enough to earn more points.

Since monsters appear in the Space-Time Distort zone,
it's good to earn points little by little while avoiding the other teams to maintain previous points earned if your team hasn't leveled up much.

Dark Shadow: A mighty presence that appears after Space-Time Distort.

Dark Shadow is a very powerful and threatening presence
that brings Space-Time Distort.

You can reduce Dark Shadow's HP by attacking it.
Many points can be earned based on the damage dealt from a certain amount of Dark Shadow's HP reduced.

Points can be earned quickly from attacking Dark Shadow,
but since it performs very powerful attacks,
you really must be careful as your only revive in the Space-Time Distort zone may vanish.

Space-Time Distort that occurred in the final minutes of Azunak Arena!
How did the battle end in this "Azunak Arena Expedition?"

I was surprised at first because I was suddenly teleported, but it was okay because I could be with my team.
But I nearly got killed from taking a lot of damage from my attempts to hit Dark Shadow for points.

Sura was about to die, but I kept him alive.
He kept trying to attack Dark Shadow, so through the shortcut message, I told him to retreat.

When I looked around, there really were all teams gathered in a single area.
It was crowded, but that's what made the battle more enjoyable.

We kind of felt sorry for the other teams, but we stole a lot of points in the final minutes.

End of battle:
Azunak Arena takes place for 10 minutes and when the time is up, the battle ends.

The points of team members are totaled to determine the team rank when the battle ends.
You can check the details on kills, deaths, and Contribution (Cont.).

Rewards are given for participation and based on arena rank.
(Reward details will be provided in the patch notes with the update.)

Azunak Arena: Factors

The main targets that appear as the battle progresses are also indicated in real-time.

The info indicated on the Map refreshes in real-time.

Bosses from which you can acquire a special skill upon defeating them appear.

Dark Shadow's Treasure
Special skills can be acquired, but a threatening presence guards the chests.

As Dark Shadow's servant, a sword appears when it is defeated.

Artifact of Amplification: Appears at a low chance when defeating monsters.

Only one team member can obtain it, and various stat effects apply for 1 min.

Special Skills: Bosses spawn from Forbidding Energies after the battle begins.

[Skill Acquisition Chest] from which you can acquire a special skill appears upon defeating a boss.
Only one team member can acquire a special skill.
You can acquire different special skills from defeating different bosses.

Heal all HP for self and allies nearby.

Inflict Poison that deals damage over time to nearby enemies.

Resistance to debuffs and an AP/DP increase buff applies upon use.

Sealed Treasure Chest: Destroy it to acquire a special skill.

There are too many Sealed Treasure Chests in a single location.
Something doesn't feel right...

The reason is because "Dark Shadow," the most powerful presence, is protecting them.
A skill can be acquired by attacking the chest and breaking the seal,
but the treasure's owner will soon find out and fly over to attack.

You must decide carefully whether or not to destroy the Sealed Treasure Chests
even if you find them.

Dark Shadow: The treasure's owner appears when attacking the chests.

Powerful attacks: You must quickly escape since the owner deals critical damage.

Using Portals: Portals allow you to move quickly to the major locations in the arena.

It is recommended that you quickly use these portals since they will only be there until the middle mark of battle.

Since portals move you to major locations that have Forbidding Energies, Treasure Chests, and special mechanics,
it is essential to use the portals for teleportation in order for the advantage early battle.

Staying around the portals
and attacking the other teams that utilize the portals can be a strategy.

Hidden Feature: A special mechanic appears in the arena.

A special mechanic from which you can obtain great power.

It is not difficult to activate this mechanic.
However, it cannot be activated alone.

This mechanic can easily be activated when working together with team members.
Why not try go on the platforms instead of just passing by when you see this mechanic?

Leebur: Many points can be earned from defeating the powerful Leebur.

Swords with special effects appear upon defeating Leebur.

Swords: When obtained, special effects trigger, granting you tremendous power.

Swords in Azunak Arena make you very powerful when obtained.
We suggest obtaining swords as it'll make is easier to defeat other teams in battle.
The sword will be in your possession from the moment it is obtained until you're defeated.
However, with great power comes great effort in obtaining them.

First, you are guaranteed to obtain them upon defeating Leebur.
Second, you can also activate a special device with your team members to obtain one.
Third, the swords may appear at a low chance when defeating certain monsters.

Even if you obtain a sword, you should still be careful.
When enemies gather their forces and attack, resulting in defeat,
the sword that the defeated Adventurer had in possession appears at the spot.
Then, other teams can steal that power.

In Azunak Arena, a total of 10 teams and 30 Adventurers participate.
This new content will arrive with the update maintenance on Aug 27 (Tue).

We would like to ask for your support and interest.

※ Some processes and details may be subject to change when updated.