
Node War and Siege War Weekly Report: April Week 2

Node War and Siege War Weekly Report

Greetings, Adventurers!


This is our weekly report on Node War and Siege War. 

Let’s find out what happened on your server!


※ In Node War results, the total number of occupied Nodes includes Free Occupation.
※ Any occupation of a Node without war or bidding competition and if 2 or more 'Artifact' are not destroyed during the war will fall under the 'Free Node' section.


Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 34 1 57,175


Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 17 18 31,754


Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 35 0 59,966

Europe - Oasis

Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 20 15 31,389


Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 35 0 60,171

Asia - Oasis

Total Nodes Total Occupied Nodes Free Node Average CP
35 20 15 32,018



Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon Obsidian 67,853
Valencia StarkNekkid


Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon EИYG爪A 66,262
Valencia ChaosLegion

Europe - Oasis

Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon Еnforcers 36,403
Valencia ChaosOasis


Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon JUSTONЕ 67,069
Valencia Myst

Asia - Oasis

Siege War Victorious Guild Average CP
Calpheon OrmasBarbar 34,944
Valencia -

We will return next week with more results from Node Wars and Siege Wars. 

Thank you.