
Notice Regarding Recommended Version Update (AOS & iOS) (Updated)

Notice Regarding Recommended Version Update (AOS/iOS)

Greetings, Adventurers.


This is to notify Adventurers that a recommended version has been updated to fix a certain issue.

💡 The update for the iOS version is still under inspection and will update this notice once it is completed.
💡 The update for the iOS version has been updated as of January 31, 01:04 (UTC-8).

- Fixed an issue where the game occasionally closes when moving from Everfrost, Great Desert, and Land of the Morning Light to another location



■ How to Update AOS App

Please follow the instructions below to download the latest version.

① Go to Google Play

② Press [Update] button for Black Desert Mobile App


■ How to Update iOS App

Please follow the instructions below to download the latest version.

① Go to Apple Store

② After pressing [Account] on the screen, go to the downloaded app list

③ Press [Update] button for Black Desert Mobile App


Thank you.