
[Dec 12 Patch Notes]
UPDATES 2023.12.12

Patch Notes


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Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Dec 12 (Tue) are here!
Adventurers, please see the newly applied patch notes and enjoy an even more exciting adventure.

※ All screenshots in the main text were taken on the test server and may differ from the actual update content.
If there are any discrepancies between the patch notes and the applied content in the game, please contact the support center.







Developer Commentary

Corsair is a class characteristic of her dynamic maneuvers that can infiltrate enemy lines and use her unpredictable waves to sow chaos on the battlefield.

In this update, we've enhanced these traits by adding conditions for generating a Whirlwind Zone, making it easier to sustain her area of waves.

Furthermore, reflecting her role as a naval commander, the "Cap'n" now has additional effects that boost ally morale while simultaneously demoralizing enemies.

Now, allies within the Whirlwind Zone will consistently benefit from increased AP and reduced damage taken, while enemies will continuously suffer from decreased Move Speed and Attack Speed, along with reduced PvP damage dealt and increased PvP damage taken.


- Added effects to the Whirlwind Zone generated upon use of "Soaring Wave" and "Descending Tide."
ㆍ "Move Speed/Attack Speed -30%," "PvP Damage Dealt -5%," and "PvP Damage Taken +5%" will be applied against enemies within the Whirlwind Zone.
ㆍ "PvP Damage Taken -5%," "AP +40" to allies within the Whirlwind Zone.
ㆍ Whirlwind Zone effects do not stack.
ㆍ Whirlwind Zone effects last for 2 seconds against enemies and 5 seconds for allies, and will continuously reset within the zone.



Soaring Wave

- A Whirlwind Zone is created upon use of the skill at the explosion point.
ㆍ Whirlwind Zone PvE Damage: 20% damage of "Soaring Wave"
ㆍ Whirlwind Zone PvP damage: 5% PvP damage of "Soaring Wave"




Developer Commentary:

Lancer, the most esteemed Valkyrie, is renowned for her unrivaled and pure divine might. She wields her massive spear, Lancia, a cherished heirloom from Enslar.

In tribute to her legacy, we've improved all skills to benefit from the "Blessing of Enslar" and introduced "Scrutiny of Enslar," which activates upon using her main skills. This allows her to deliver increasingly potent attacks as the battle progresses.

Previously, the range of skills that could benefit from the "Blessing of Enslar" was limited, making it challenging to fully exploit its effects. With this update, we've expanded the scope of eligible skills, enhancing its efficiency.

Furthermore, Lancer's massive spear, Lancia, is designed for piercing power rather than dealing with hordes of enemies. It's crafted to impale any adversaries in her path. To highlight this unique characteristic, we've improved the use of skills while on the move, placing a greater emphasis on mobility.

Blessing of Enslar

- This effect is triggered upon use of "Radiant Burst," "Righteous Torment," and "Fallen Angel."
- "PvP damage taken -15% for 10 sec and all skill damage +15% for 10 sec" will be applied when the effect is triggered.
ㆍ The effects applied to "Holy Thrust" and "Divine Guard" will remain identical.
- Added the effect "Scrutiny of Enslar."


Scrutiny of Enslar

- This effect is triggered upon use of "Radiant Burst," "Righteous Torment," "Holy Thrust," and "Fallen Angel."
- "Skill damage +5%" will apply during the effect upon use of the next skill (up to 4 stacks)
ㆍ Applies to: "Retribution," "Rejection," "Sanctify"

- Reduced the duration of running required to increase running speed (2.5 sec → 1.8 sec).
ㆍThe activation speed of "Holy Thrust," "Radiant Burst," and "Fallen Angel" increase when sprinting.




- Increased PvE and PvP damage.



Lv 1 : 433.5% → 700%

Lv 10 : 563.55% → 910%



Lv 1 : 169.5% → 300%

Lv 10 : 234% → 390%





Developer Commentary:

Paladin, a class blessed with the divine might of Enslar, is known for her balanced approach to combat, skillfully wielding a sword in one hand and a shield in the other to protect and fight alongside allies.

However, despite having a skill set that makes her reliable in solo combat, her potential to shield allies and engage in cooperative combat left something to be desired. In this update, we've made improvements to allow Paladin to share her divine power, thereby boosting the combat effectiveness of her allies.

Now, Paladin can reliably hold the frontline against enemy attacks, while also providing beneficial effects to nearby allies. This opens up new tactical opportunities for team maneuvers.



- Recover 20% MP and combat resources for allies within the range of the "Smite" effect.
ㆍ The above also applies to the skill caster.


- The current season has ended.
- Your season character will be converted to a regular character, and you can no longer proceed with the Season Pass.
- If the season was not completed before maintenance, the following items have now been removed:
ㆍ Tuvala Main/Sub-Weapon, Accessories, Relics, Totems, Alchemy Stones, Fortune Scrolls, Chests, and all other season items.
ㆍ All completed, in-progress, and otherwise outstanding Season Pass Quests
- For Currently owned Tuvala Gear:

Tuvala Gear Awakened Enhancement at End of Season Received Gear at End of Season
Tuvala Weapon/Armor  Awakened Enhancement +14 or below +0 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +15 +1 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +16 +2 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +17 +3 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +18 +4 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +19 +5 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Awakened Enhancement +20 +6 Chaos Weapon/Armor
Tuvala Accessory Awakened Enhancement +6 or below +0 Chaos Accessory
Awakened Enhancement +7 +1 Chaos Accessory
Awakened Enhancement +8 +2 Chaos Accessory
Awakened Enhancement +9 +3 Chaos Accessory
Awakened Enhancement +10 +4 Chaos Accessory
Tuvala Totem No Enhancement +0 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +1 +1 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +2 +2 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +3 +3 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +4 +4 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +5 +5 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +6 +7 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +7 +9 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +8 +11 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +9 +13 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Enhancement +10 +15 Primal Rift Totem
+6 Abyssal Totem
Tuvala Relic Enhancement +4 or below +0 Primal Relic
Enhancement +5 +1 Primal Relic
Enhancement +6 +2 Primal Relic
Enhancement +7 +3 Primal Relic
Enhancement +8 +4 Primal Relic
Enhancement +9 +5 Primal Relic
Enhancement +10 +6 Primal Relic
Tuvala Alchemy Stone Before it is Awakened +0 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +3 or below
Awakened Enhancement +4 +1 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +5 +2 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +6 +3 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +7 +4 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +8 +5 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +9 +6 Primal Alchemy Stone
Awakened Enhancement +10 +7 Primal Alchemy Stone

ㆍ All reverted items have been sent to your mailbox:
ㆍ 1 each of the Wrathful, Unity, and Savior Abyssal Rift Totems
ㆍ Primal Relics within an Awakened Relic Set Chest (1 each of Aal, Ahib, Labreve, Serrett).
ㆍ Primal Alchemy Stones within a Primal Alchemy Stone Set Chest (1 each of Critical Enhanced Stone, Lucky Stone).
- Should you complete the season and have all necessary Tuvala gear, the Dazzling Completion Certificate will also be sent to your mailbox.
ㆍ The Dazzling Completion Certificate can be turned in to Igor Bartali in Velia to receive either Perilla's Star, an equippable ornament, or a Max Stats Primal Glyph.

- Increased the max number of Special Boss Rushes that can be exchanged at once from 50 to 500.
- Changed the default exchange quantity from the max exchangeable to 1 for Special Boss Rush.

- Improved Tus' Nest to be repeatable.

- Increased the Path of Glory max multiplier to 300.

- Improved the chat UI so that you can see up to 5 chats.
ㆍ Each chat will now only display up to 2 lines.
- Changed the design of the chat UI displayed on screens of content such as Elite Guild Raid, Atumach, and Ramoness.
- Improved the tap area of the chat window to not overlap with the joystick area of the screen.
- Simplified the design of the mount and pet UI.
- Changed the default chat to be set as party instead of guild for the Atumach waiting room.
- Improved the speech bubbles that appear on the party widget during Ancient Ruins and Field of Valor to display the party chat.
- Improved the chat UI to be visible even when mounting a Cannon or expanding the minimap.
ㆍ The tap area for opening the chat window will be adjusted.

- Changed the design of the UI for the Fairy widget while Playtime or Fairy Adventure are in progress.
ㆍ When you tap the UI, you'll be navigated to the Playtime/Adventure menu and any completed Playtime/Adventures will automatically be completed.
ㆍ If no Playtime is in progress, it will be the same display as before.


- Added levels to be indicated for each Node from the Manage Node screen.
- Changed the design of the activation/deactivation indicatiors for town Nodes.
- Changed the design of the arrow indicator of the starting town Node.


- Added an Auto-Enhance feature to the Enhance Rune menu.
ㆍ The Auto-Enhance feature cannot be used at the enhancement level where Primal Runes are used as materials.
- Changed the Eilton Defense button to not display on the minimap while Merchantry is in progress.
- Added pets that can be registered to Pet Memories.
ㆍ Baby Kabua, Brown Cat, Red-Ribboned Cat, Shaggy Dog, Shepherd, Terrmian Spiny Turtle, Lucky Black Dragon, Black Carmadun Owl
ㆍ Increased the number of times you can purchase [Pet Photo Paper] by 7.
- Improved to auto-navigate to Frost Highlands when having acquired the knowledge for the Mountain of Eternal Winter.


- Adjusted the touch area of the Black Spirit Escape button to prevent the button being accidentally tapped while trying to use character skills.
- Changed the [Inventory → Discard → Select Mode/Cancel buttons] to be aligned to the center.
- Changed the "Does not satisfy usage criteria." message displayed from the item info window of Cannons and Iron Bow Frames when your ship is not docked to be more detailed.
- Added the acquistion method to the item description window for Jumbo HP Potion that can be crafted from the Alchemy Lab in Camp.

Error Fixes

- [Corsair] Fixed an issue where Hurricane Kick would instantly explode when using Evasion after "Soaring Wave."
- [Buccaneer] Fixed an issue where HP is recovered twice with the Serrett branch inscribed on "Double Tap."
- [Void Knight] Fixed an issue where the branch damage enhancement effect is not applied in certain situations when using "Cross Slash" without applying "Flow: Criss-Cross."
- [Void Knight] Fixed an issue where Magic wouldn't be spent even upon activation of "Flow: Frenzied Ashes" of "Obsidian Ashes."
- [Gladiator] Changed the skill description regarding the attack for Spinning Slash's flow skill Ultimate Spinning Slash.
ㆍ2 hits with 80% of the 1st hit damage -> 80% of the 1st hit damage X 2 hits
- [Paladin] Fixed an issue where Invincibility would not be maintained while holding the Evasion button.
- [Paladin] Fixed an issue where the damage wouldn't display on the skill description of Flow: Divine Sword of Sword of Judgment.

- Fixed an issue where the notification for the start of Tax Wagon would display during a Node/Siege War for guilds occupying a Castle/Node for having access to Tax Wagon content.
- Fixed an issue where Gumiho and her clones would abnormally overlap after failing to find the actual Gumiho in the tag type mission in Yeowoo Cave of Black Shrine.
- Fixed an issue where the respawn point location would appear awkward after being defeated in a Siege War on certain devices.
- Fixed an issue where, at times, you couldn't auto-revive in a Siege War.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't immediately collect rewards after an Atumach Skirmish.
- Fixed an issue where, at times, you would fail to obtain rewards in the Songakshi stage.


- Fixed an issue where certain UI would overlap from the in the Lightstone Multi-Enhance window.
- Fixed an issue where the opposing faction Adventurers' names would not be indicated in red in the Battlefield of the Sun.
- Fixed some typos in the Desert Exploration Logs.

Early Notice

- After the update maintenance on Dec 19 (Tue), the Item Drop Rate for completion rewards from Calamity 1 to Calamity 4 in the Black Shrine will be changed to be the same as Calamity 5.
ㆍ Before the update maintenance on Dec 19 (Tue), we plan to send you the completion rewards for Calamity 1 based on the number of extra entries and Black Shrine Entry Passes you own.
ㆍ We recommend that you use all your extra entries and Black Shrine Entry Passes before the update maintenance on Dec 19 (Tue).
ㆍ From Dec 18 (Mon), 00:00 to before the update maintenance on Dec 19 (Tue), the sale of [Black Shrine Entry Pass], purchasable with Pearls/Black Pearls from the Pearl Shop, will be temporarily suspended.




Starting Events

Here Comes the Calpheon Ball Exchange
· Event Period: After maintenance on Dec 12 (Tue), 2023 - Dec 25 (Mon), 2023, 23:59
Collect Here Comes the Calpheon Ball!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Dec 12 (Tue), 2023 - Dec 25 (Mon), 2023, 23:59
2023 Calpheon Ball Login
· Event Period: After maintenance on Dec 12 (Tue), 2023 - Dec 25 (Mon), 2023, 23:59
DAEBAK! Black Spirit's Adventure
· Event Period: After maintenance on Dec 12 (Tue), 2023 - Dec 18 (Mon), 2023, 23:59
DAEBAK! Daily Dice Missions
· Event Period: After maintenance on Dec 12 (Tue), 2023 - Dec 18 (Mon), 2023, 23:59

Ended Events

· Great Desert Exploration
· Waiting for the Calpheon Ball
· Pick the Lucky Rope!
· Season Character Growth Support!
· 4th Anniversary Special Hot Time! (Until Dec 10, 23:59)
· 4th Anniversary Black Pearl Lucky Draw!



Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.


New Products

- Special Pack > Special Package
· 4th Anniversary Pack [2+2]
· 4th Anniversary Lucky Shop Pack I
· 4th Anniversary Lucky Shop Pack II
· 4th Anniversary Pearl Pack [1+1]
※ This item can be purchased until Jan 1 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.


- Special Pack > Special Package

· 4th Anniversary Lucky Shop

※ This item can be purchased until Jan 1 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.


- Lucky Shop > Premium Lucky Shop

· Premium Lucky Shop

※ This item can be purchased until Jan 1 (Mon), 2024, 23:59.


- New Outfits

Outfit Class Price
Blue Tiger Sura 960 Black Pearls
Blue Tiger Weapon Sura 240 Black Pearls

Sura - Blue Tiger