
[Announcements] 2023 Atumach Tournament Roster and Livestream Details (Updated)

2023 Atumach Tournament Roster and Livestream Details

Greetings, Adventurer.

Which guild shall reign supreme in Atumach and reach high up into the Valtarra Mountains and defeat King Griffon
to gain the title as the true king?

Check out the roster and livestream details of the 2023 Atumach Tournament
to determine which guild will attain ultimate victory in this intense battle.


Roster Details

- Preliminaries Schedule
Asia: Nov 25 (Sat), 14:00~ (UTC+8)
Europe: Nov 25 (Sat), 14:00~ (UTC+1)
America: Nov 25 (Sat), 17:00~ (UTC-8)
※ The announced date of the tournament may be delayed depending on the situation or due to the preparation needed on the day of the event.
※ Some guild names were written based from the data available after November 21(Tue) update maintenance.

※ The matches in the image uploaded will be updated at a later time. (Updated)
※ The 5 teams for Semifinals A and B will be selected through the following:

-SEMIFINAL A: The 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th place among the top 10 based from the point system. (In case of teams with the same points, the selection will be based from the team with the highest totalled contribution points)
-SEMIFINAL B: The 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th place among the top 10 based from the point system. (In case of teams with the same points, the selection will be based from the team with the highest totalled contribution points)

Preliminaries Round 1 Roster (Total of 2 Rounds)

Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 14:00
Cavalliere Doraemon Revenant АRЕS
B Group
District17 MÏRÃGË HEิLION PandaWorrier
C Group
D Group 14:25
어두운Council ßนรнíïdо丶ๅ流儀 ABB 죽음LC
E Group
NSFШ iиfeяиo BlackBeast BraveIDN
F Group
DEMIIGODS혼혈 Onyx Kopitiam Luminosity
G Group 14:50
乃alikatan卩卄 SATÜNÜSA 米丨FÖSSIL丨米 Caelus
H Group
亗Luxúria亗 Рhoenix RankSS FrostFire
I Group
Realz彡 FrontIDN BâmbuRuncîng SuiGeneris
J Group 15:15
Sansiklab Demise SDN02PETANG Alfheim
K Group
Metropolis วอเอ๊ะๆ ouтcasт ßบรнíïdо丶ๅ家族
Wild Card
Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 14:00
EиRaged Vendettа 三KARARGAH三 ВiльнаUPG
B Group Аbуss 它从尸丨尺它 DarkOrden OUTSIDERS Darкside
C Group GitGud Nightmare Непариж xAKATSUKIx Bаlаnce
D Group 14:25
彡Phоеniх彡 ATLAS Lighters OM仨GA Valhalle
E Group EИYG爪A Chaos С14 (Агларвен) ChaosAlpha Stjarna
F Group CаrtеL ChaosOrden AdAstra LeIENE Syndicatе
G Group 14:50
DМC TeslaFactory Mercs C14(Destiny士火) ВâcklnBIâсk
H Group Mâyhêm HellRáiserS父 Enforcers NextGenPro MoonFlames
I Group Vanguards ChaosLegion НашиЛюди DarkLords LaCosaNostra
Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 17:00
Phоenix PORTADORES ÖvЭЯlöЯds Cutthroat F1 
B Group SangreBélica FuriaOscura LegendGaming destructor AkariAoi2
C Group ThünderCats MysTofAvaloN USA TheHourglass GodRagnarok
D Group 17:25
Obsidian LazyCatSquad GeneiArmy UprisingOG  BxS
E Group Segadorés ELOHlM반환 ALlANÇA StarkNekkid Insaníty
F Group Killërs Eclipsis KittenNinjas Havоc Nocktem
Wild Card Weird


Preliminaries Round 2 Roster (Total of 2 Rounds)

Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 15:40
R1 A Group 1st
R1 F Group 1st R1 K Group 1st R1 D Group 2nd R1 I Group 2nd
B Group R1 B Group 1st R1 G Group 1st Wild Card
Team 1
R1 E Group 2nd R1 J Group 2nd
C Group R1 C Group 1st R1 H Group 1st R1 A Group 2nd R1 F Group 2nd R1 K Group 2nd
D Group 16:05
R1 D Group 1st R1 I Group 1st R1 B Group 2nd R1 G Group 2nd

Wild Card

Team 2

E Group R1 E Group 1st R1 J Group 1st R1 C Group 2nd R1 H Group 2nd 1st out of
all 3rd
Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 15:15
R1 A Group 1st
R1 F Group 1st R1 B Group 2nd R1 G Group 2nd 3rd out of
all 3rd
B Group R1 B Group 1st R1 G Group 1st R1 C Group 2nd R1 H Group 2nd 4th out of
all 3rd
C Group R1 C Group 1st R1 H Group 1st R1 D Group 2nd R1 I Group 2nd 5th out of
all 3rd
D Group 15:40
R1 D Group 1st R1 I Group 1st R1 E Group 2nd 1st out of
all 3rd
6th out of
all 3rd
E Group R1 E Group 1st R1 A Group 2nd R1 F Group 2nd 2nd out of
all 3rd
7th out of
all 3rd
※ There was an incorrect information displayed fom Europe prelim matching and have been fixed accordingly.

Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 17:50
R1 Group A 1st
R1 F Group 1st R1 E Group 2nd R1 D Group 3rd R1 C Group 4th
B Group R1 Group B 1st R1 A Group 2nd R1 F Group 2nd R1 E Group 3rd R1 D Group 4th
C Group R1 Group C 1st R1 B Group 2nd R1 A Group 3rd R1 F Group 3rd R1 E Group 4th
D Group 18:15
R1 D Group 1st R1 C Group 2nd R1 B Group 3rd R1 A Group 4th R1 F Group 4th
E Group R1 E Group 1st R1 D Group 2nd R1 C Group 3rd R1 B Group 4th Wild Card
Team 1

Semifinals (Total of 2 Rounds)

Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 11/26

NSFШ HEิLION Doraemon Anino
B Group
RankSS Caelus MÏRÃGË Metropolis

Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 11/26

Enforcers Непариж GitGud MoonFlames
B Group

Team No. Starting Time Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name Guild Name
A Group 11/26

FuriaOscura MysTofAvaloN Insaníty Segadorés
B Group
Obsidian Phоenix GodRagnarok Havоc

Please be sure to read the details below!

- The rosters for the "2023 Atumach Tournament" semifinals and finals will be updated through this notice in order.
- Please check the roster for the starting time and competing teams prior to the tournament.
- Groups on the roster were assigned at random based on the groups drawn on the Black Desert Mobile YouTube livestream, as announced in an earlier notice.
- There may be wild cards and bonus rounds based on the number of participating teams.
- Inappropriate Family names and team names may be changed randomly.
- Check out the ["2023 Atumach Tournament" Details and Recruitment] notice for more details on the tournament schedule and process.


Tournament Details

⚔ Atumach (Watch Mode)
- Atumach (Watch Mode) will be available for the 2023 Atumach Tournament, and an equal duel system will be applied.
ㆍ Character stats for all participating Adventurers including CP, HP, Crit Chance, PvP Damage, Attack Speed, skill levels, and skill branch stats will be equalized. Fairy skills will not be applied.

- A total of 5 guilds, each with 5 members, will compete in each round of the 2023 Atumach Tournament.
- Each round will proceed in the form of a tournament.
ㆍ Wins by default or additional rounds may occur depending on the number of participants in the tournament.
ㆍ However, the team to move on to the next tournament will be decided by victory points, which are in turn calculated by rank, as the Atumach Skirmish has five teams in each tournament.
ㆍ Check the notice for more details regarding how to advance through the tournament.
- The number of rounds are as follows.

Category Rounds
Preliminaries 2
Semi-finals 2
Finals 3


Preliminaries Round 1
- There are 5 teams in each group, and the top 4 teams of each group will advance to round 2.

NA: There will be a total of 6 groups in round 1, and the top 4 teams of each group and a wild card team will advance to round 2.

EU: There will be a total of 9 groups in round 1, and the top 2 teams of each group and 7 highest-scoring 3rd placers out of all groups will advance to round 2.

ASIA: There will be a total of 11 groups in round 1, and the top 2 teams of each group and one highest-scoring 3rd place team out of all groups and 2 wild card teams will advance to round 2.

- A total of 25 teams will advance to round 2.

Preliminaries Round 2
- There will be 5 teams in each group and a total of 5 groups (25 teams in total), and the top 2 teams of each group will advance to the semifinals.
- A total of 10 teams will advance to the semifinals.

- There will be 5 teams in each group and a total of 2 groups (10 teams in total).
- The 5 teams to advance to the finals will be determined based on the following criteria.
ㆍ A total of 4 teams who rank 1st and 2nd from each group will advance to the finals.
ㆍ The team with more victory points out of a total of the two that ranked 3rd from each group will advance.
ㆍ If the 3rd place winners of each group have identical victory points, the total score of the rounds will be compared to determine who will advance to the next tournament.
- A total of 5 teams will advance to the finals based on the above criteria.

- There will be a single group with 5 teams in total.
- A total of 5 teams will be ranked 1st to 5th based on the victory points earned.


- Each team can obtain victory points based on their rank in each round. The teams to move on to the next tournament will be determined based on the total victory points earned from each round.
ㆍ Please refer to the following table for victory points obtained per rank.
ㆍ If the points are identical, the total results of the given rounds will be compared to determine which team will move on to the next tournament.
- The above rank determination method will be applied across all tournaments.


Rank Victory Points
1 11
2 7
3 4
4 2
5 1

- All tournaments will be held online.
- Participants may only use the class written on their submitted application form.
ㆍ You may only request to change your participating class between Nov 21 (Tue) and Nov 22 (Wed).
ㆍ The representative for each guild can post a request for Adventurer(s) who wish to change their participating class to the tournament managers through our official discord channel.
- The tournament managers will invite participants to a room that will be created on the day of the tournament.
ㆍ You can check the invite from the managers by going to [Settings] menu > [Game] > [Ramoness Invite] and selecting "Allow All."
ㆍ You cannot enter the waiting room for Atumach when your participating character is in an area where access to Arena content is restricted (Guild Fortress, Great Ocean, etc.).
- For teams with less than 5 members, tournament participation can still be possible if at least 3 are present.
- If members do not accept the invitation by the time the tournament begins, and there are less than three members for a team in the waiting room, the team may be disqualified from the tournament.
- The tournament will begin without a given participant if they do not check "Ready" even after multiple requests from the managers to do so.
ㆍ If there are 3 or more members in a team who do not check "Ready" by the time the tournament begins, the team may be disqualified.


- Measures may be taken according to our Operational Policy if it is confirmed that rules or regulations have been violated.
- You may be disqualified and excluded from receiving rewards if you forfeit the tournament or violate our regulations during participation.
- Check the details of the rules and regulations in the [2023 Atumach Tournament Rules and Regulations] below.



Tournament Participant Discord Details

- Please participate in the [2023 Atumach Tournament] discord if you are an Adventurer participating in the tournament.

Go to Official Discord Channel

- We will provide the details on the tournament progress through the discord channel for the tournament.
ㆍ You may not be provided the details on the day of the tournament if you don't participate through discord.
- We are planning to deliver the password for the tournament discord channel to participants through the mailbox.
- Enter discord, then type in the password you received in [Participant - Enter Channel] to enter the tournament discord.
ㆍ Do not show this password to anyone.
ㆍ Those who enter the channel and are not a participant of the tournament will be kicked out from the discord channel without notice.
- Any inquiries you may have regarding the tournament can be asked through this discord.


We look forward to participation and interest in the 2023 Atumach Tournament.

Thank you.