
[CM Note] Official Forum's New Function Added!

[CM Note] Official Forum's New Function Added!

Greetings, Adventurers!

To all adventurers who use the official Black Desert Mobile forums,
Have you noticed something different about the forums?

Since the update on Tuesday, November 7, we've added some new features to the official forums.

Let's check them out!

Improving the Convenience of Community Board

'Huh? Did I read this before?'
Have you ever clicked on a post that you've already read?

To make sure you don't click on a post again because you can't remember if you've already read it or not, posts you've already viewed will be grayed out in the list of posts so you can easily identify them. 

- Posts you've already viewed will be grayed out in the list of posts. 
ㆍHowever, if you're on a different device or browser, posts you've viewed previously will not be grayed out.
ㆍIf you delete your browser's cookies, viewed posts will be reset.

When you were reading a long post on a mobile device,
ever had to scroll up for a while to get to the top of the page?

With the new TOP button, you can quickly and easily jump to the top of the page.

- We're adding a TOP button that will take you directly to the top of the current page when browsing on a mobile device.

Forum board showed contents including the searched words in the search results
even when you just wanted to search for a specific post after remembering the exact title!

Now we're adding a filter to the search bar so you can search by title only.

- The [Title] filter will be added to the search bar at the bottom of each board.
ㆍ The existing filters are [Author], [Title + Content].

Creating a Friendly Forum Environment

The official forums is a great place for adventurers to ask and answer questions.

'if only I could check that person's CP...'
So that you can share more accurate information, you'll be able to see various information about the Adventurer asking the question, such as their CP and account creation date.

- Game Information' section will be added to the screen that pops up when you click on a Family name.
ㆍThe 'Game Information' section displays the CP of the highest character in the family, the account creation date, and the last game login history.
ㆍ'Last game login history' will be updated once per day.
ㆍ CP is updated every update maintenance.
- The number of posts, replies, liked posts and posts that have been liked by other adventurers have been added in the information tab.

※ The information of the writer of the post only is displayed based on the information you have agreed for collection and use through the Terms and Services(ToS) including the Personal Information Policy when creating the account.

'Who deleted this post?' 'Did it violate the terms of service' 'Did the author delete it themselves?'

There was a blurred distiction between the posts that were deleted by the author themselves, and posts that were deleted for violating the terms of the service.
Now you will know for certain who deleted specific posts.

- Deleted Posts and replies will be changed to directly display who deleted them.

Status Text Displayed
When an Adventurer deletes his/her post The post was deleted by the writer.
When an Admin deletes an Adventurer's post The post has been hidden by GM/CM

We plan on making more updates to provide a more enjoyable forum environment in the future,
such as changing the location and order of the Tips and Tricks menu
that adventurers already use a lot, but is not very visible on mobile devices,
and moving the class introduction board that is not used a lot to the adventurers' guide.

We hope you enjoy this overview of the forum's update!

If there is other news that needs an overview with adventurers, we will be posting again with another CM note.

Thank you.