This is a story of when a kingdom was under threat of enemy attack.
Suddenly, soldiers appeared with bamboo leaves stuck behind their ears and drove away the enemies.
After the enemy retreated, when the kingdom’s citizens followed the trail of fallen bamboo leaves,
they discovered the tomb of the late king covered in leaves.
It turned out the spirit of the king had sent out the Bamboo Legion to help with the battle.
On one occasion, the spirit of a great general,
carried by a swirling wind,
visited the tomb and expressed a desire to leave this kingdom.
It was because the great general's descendant had faced death for no good reason.
Hearing this, the spirit of the late king
pleaded for the spirit to stay and continue protecting the kingdom.
In response, the swirling wind turned back and protected the kingdom with the late king forever and ever.
When the current king heard of this, he apologized to the spirit of the great general,
paid respects, and held a ceremonial rite to honor him.