
New Outfit Preview: Pumpkin Outfits

Pumpkin-loving Adventurers wearing

"Pumpkin Outfits"
Pumpkin Witch, Pumpkin Pal, Pumpkin Tailor
New Outfit Preview

The Pumpkin Witch comes with a wide-brimmed cone-shaped hat with pointy high heels with straps,
and a leather belt around the waist
with colorful sewn tools and dolls dangling from it.

The Pumpkin Tailor works as an assistant for the Pumpkin Witch
with a vested suit with fancy buttons
and monocles to add to the simple fashion.

The Pumpkin Pal comes with a doll backpack,
a baby doll dress embroidered with cute laces,
a sun bonnet worn on the head, and Mary Jane shoes.

Adventurers wearing Pumpkin Outfits will soon be spotted.

ㆍ Pumpkin Tailor ㆍ

▲ The hairstyle changes when you toggle the Helmet on the Pumpkin Tailor Outfit.

ㆍ Pumpkin Witch ㆍ

▲ You can toggle the visibility of the cloak of the Pumpkin Witch Outfit.

▲ The hat and hairstyle change when you toggle the Helmet on the Pumpkin Witch Outfit.

ㆍ Pumpkin Pal ㆍ

▲You can toggle the visibility of the cloak for the Pumpkin Pal Outfit to see the doll.

▲ The hat and hairstyle change when you toggle the Helmet on the Pumpkin Pal Outfit.

ㆍ Title ㆍ

When you purchase a Pumpkin Witch, Pumpkin Pal, or Pumpkin Tailor Outfit,
you will receive the title 🏅 "Spooky Scary."
ㆍ You can check the "Spooky Scary" title from [My Info - Titles - Adventure].
※ These Outfits are planned to be released with the update maintenance on Oct 31 (Tue) and the release date is subject to change.

※ Changes may be made to certain Outfits after release.
※ The "Pumpkin" series does not have Weapon Outfits. The images were taken with other Weapon Outfits equipped.

We appreciate your love and support for the new Outfits.

Thank you.