
New Outfit Preview: Nightveil

Nightveil Nobles, They Operate in Shadow


New Outfit Preview

In the deep dark of night, when even moonlight slumbers,
an abandoned hilltop castle peeks through the mist.

Admist the flickering candlelight that cuts across a dark underground chamber,
representatives of each noble family gather to await the king’s words.

Known as the Nightveil Nobles
they operate in shadow and on royal orders alone.

When the sun sets, they converge like shadows,
to exchange information and covertly carry out orders from the king.

They pride themselves in building the king’s trust over generations.
They are ruthless, logical, and are not swayed by mere emotion.

However, even they cannot ignore the call to adventure that stirs in their hearts.

Some of them grew up together since they were young,
their curiosity led them through the castle to discover a secret door.
Beyond the door they found books filled with ancient secrets and knowledge.

As time granted them complete power and bravery, they made their decision.
To leave behind the veil of night and set out to discover the truths of this world.

They smiled and told one another.
We will leave the shadow of night and become shining stars.

※ You can toggle the visibility of the cloak of the "Nightveil" Outfit.

※ If you turn the visibility of the Helmet on for the "Nightveil" Outfit, an eye patch will be visible.

ㆍ Void Knight / Phantasma ㆍ

ㆍ Drakania ㆍ

ㆍ Title ㆍ

When you purchase a "Nightveil" Outfit,
you will receive the title 🏅 "Nightveil Noble."
ㆍ You can check the "Nightveil Noble" title from [My Info - Titles - Adventure].

※ These Outfits are planned to be released with the update maintenance on Nov 7 (Tue) and the release date is subject to change.
※ Changes may be made to certain Outfits after release.
※ The "Nightveil" series does not have Weapon Outfits. The images were taken with other Weapon Outfits equipped.

We appreciate your love and support for the new Outfits.

Thank you.