
[Community Event] Everfrost & Guardian
EVENTS 2023.06.20




[Community Event] Everfrost & Guardian


Greetings, Adventurers!


We have prepared a series of community events to celebrate the release of new region, 'Everfrost' and new class, 'Guardian'!





Gleam Giveaway Event


A new region Everfrost and a new class Guardian have been added to the world of Black Desert Mobile!

We are happy to host another Giveaway Event to celebrate this monumental update.

Enter now for a chance to win real and in-game prizes!

Good luck to you all!



Event Period
June 20th (Tue) 12:00 – July 11th (Tue) 23:59 (UTC-8)

How to Participate

Complete interactive giveaway activities on the Gleam page to earn entries for a chance to win.

All entries will be thoroughly checked whether the required Gleam activity was carried out.

Entries without fulfilling the required Gleam activity will be omitted.

(Full event details can be found on the Gleam page link below)


👉 Click [Here] for the Full Gleam Giveaway Event Announcement


👉 Click [Here] for the Gleam Page






Snowball Fight With CM/GM


With the addition of the snowy Everfrost region, The Snowball Fight with CM/GM event rightfully makes a return!


Chase the blazing heat of summer away with a friendly snowball fight with CM/GM of Black Desert Mobile!




Event 1: Snowball Frenzy


The Top 3 highest scoring players in each match of the CMs/GMs will receive rewards. 


(5 games per region, a total of 45 winners)


Participation is limited to only 1 per individual for the event.


Event  Period

June 26th, (Mon) 18:00 - 19:00 (by server time for each region)

June 26th, (Mon) 19:00 - 20:00 (by server time for each region) [Updated]



Event Rewards (45 winners)
Black Pearl x 1,000



Event 2: Snowball Champions


The Top 5 highest scoring players from each region will receive rewards.


Share a screenshot of your high score in the link below and we'll pick the Top 5 high scorers from each region.


(5 winners from each region, a total of 15 winners)


 Must take a screenshot of the high score to share in a post in the link below.

 Be sure to include Family Name + Server in the entry post! (Make sure your in-game name is visible)

Write 'Snowball Champions' as the title of the post

Official Black Desert Mobile Forums>Community> BDM Community Event.




Event  Period
June 20th (Tues) 00:00 – June 27th (Tues) 23:59 (UTC-8)




Event 2 Rewards (15 winners)
Black Pearl x 2,000




Emoji/Sticker/GIF Contest


Get your pens and crayons out, it’s time to get creative!


We prepared a create-your-own BDM Emoji/Sticker/GIF Contest to add more color and visuals to our Discord!

Create your very own BDM Emojis/Sticker/GIF related to the Everfrost & Guardian Update, including but not limited to; new region, Everfrost and new class, Guardian.


Please check the details below to participate.


How to Participate

Create and share a Discord emoji/sticker/gif that represents the new region, Everfrost and new class, Guardian.  (Max 5 entries per user).


Join the Official Discord Server, and submit your work under the channel named [Discord Contest]


※ Participation is limited to 1 category per user.
※ Family Name, Server, and Region must be indicated with the submission.




Event Period
June 20th (Tues) 00:00 – July 11th (Tues) 23:59 (UTC-8)



Rewards (15 winners)
1,000 Black Pearls
Merv's Palette (14 Days)
"BDM Artist" In-game Title
※ Winners will be evaluated and selected internally by Pearl Abyss staff

- Black Pearl x 1,000
- Merv's Palette
(14 Days)




Show Us Your Strategy!

To tackle the addition of the new Everfrost region & the new Guardian class, new strategies and game plans will be required! 

Share your strategies and tips on how you will explore the new Everfrost & Guardian update with fellow Adventurers
so they can also maximize their experience and become more efficient in playing Black Desert Mobile!


How to Participate

1. Visit [Forum > Tips and Tricks].


2. Click [Write]


3. Write your post titled, “Everfrost & Guardian Strategy”


4. In your post, share your very own strategy for the Everfrost & Guardian update



- Topic 1) Strategy on how to utilize Citron Tea to farm effectively in Everfrost region

- Topic 2) Your own Guardian class skills combo





Event Period
June 27th (Tues) 00:00 – July 11th (Tues) 23:59 (UTC-8)




Rewards (15 winners)
"Bookworm" In-Game Title
Black Pearl x 2,000
All-Inclusive Plus Chest (28 Days) x 1


※ Winners will be evaluated and selected internally by Pearl Abyss staff

Black Pearl x 2,000
All-Inclusive Plus Chest (28 Days) x1

Additional Notes

- Event content and dates may change or cancel depending on particular circumstances.
ㆍ Changes regarding the event will be added to this notice.
- This event follows the [Operations Policy] of the game.

- Any work that is political, religious, or generally offensive towards other Adventurers or Pearl Abyss staff will be disqualified. Furthermore, all offensive comments are subject to punishment in accordance with the Operation Policy.- Any screenshots deemed as inappropriate will be excluded.

- Failure to meet all the requirements mentioned in ‘How to Participate’ will result in disqualification.
- Any work submitted after the Event period will be excluded.
- Moving or deleting the initial post after the Event period has ended will be excluded from the results.
- Changing the Family Name before the Event period has ended will result in disqualification.
- All screenshots, memes and emojis may be reposted with the name and region of the original creator.
- The Event period is subject to change.

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