
[Sep 13 Patch Notes]
UPDATES 2022.09.13

Update Notice

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Greetings, Adventurers!

The Patch Notes for the update on Sep 13 (Tuesday) are here!

In this update, we’ve added new content, events, bug fixes, and overall improvements to the game.
See below for more details about this update.

※ All screenshots were taken from the test environment and may differ from what appears in the live server.
If you find something in-game that's different from the Patch Notes, please feel free to contact the support center.


Featured Updates

Developer's Comment

Fairies are magical creatures.

Since ancient times, fairies have been protected by the sacred tree Kamasylve. However, fairies have only been visible to a specific few.

Blessed by the loving Queen Theiah, the fairies lived joyously in cradles full of warm sunlight, fragrant flowers, and sweet flower essences.

However, a crisis fell upon the world of fairies one day. A shimmer of light brought forth the creation of a mysterious rift, and the fairies' curiosity got the best of them. They could not stay away from this fascinating rift they've never seen before. The rift would then feed on their pure energies and grow larger over time.

This chaos-filled rift soon devoured the fairy world, breaking fairykind apart. Most of the fairies were rescued, but it wasn't easy to rescue the Cradle of Fairykind, a special place where baby fairies are honeyed and born into the world. Even with the help of the Ganelle, rescuing the fairies proved difficult as the rift disappearing and reappearing even in areas outside Kamasylvia.

Herawen at the Kamasylve Temple knows well about her old friend Theiah's concerns, and tells her that the Adventurer who helped her before could also be of assistance in the fairy world. After long thought, Queen Theiah finally decides to ask the Adventurer to help her.

Please rescue the baby fairy from the Cradle of Fairykind, who will then accompany you on your adventures!



- "Fuzzy Baby Fairy" will join you upon completing the side story "Fairy."
ㆍYou can unlock the side story by completing the Northeast Kamasylvia main quest, "Lemoria Guard Post Commander."
- You can obtain the title "Fairy Very Adorbs" by completing the side story.
- You can only enter the Cradle of Fairykind during "Before the Rift Closes," "Cradle of Fairykind," and "Flower Blossom," which are quests for the side story "Fairy."
- There are items to be obtained for certain quests of the side story "Fairy." You must have the items in your current character's inventory to complete the relevant quests.
- You can install "Fairy House" in your Camp upon completing the story.
- You can use fairy-related menu options such as Activities, Bond, Blossom, and more from Fairy House.
- You can also access the Fairy menu from the menu list on the top right of the screen or the fairy button to the left of the HP bar.



- Fairies have six traits in total: cheerful, honest, relaxed, bold, creative, and friendly.
- Fairy trait points can either be increased or decreased via [Fairy Bond - Talk - Request] and Fairy Events.
- The trait total can increase resonance and increase AP and DP stats.
ㆍThere are 3 types of resonances, and your fairy's trait total of each type will increase resonance.
ㆍWhen your fairy's traits are at max, they cannot be increased any further.
- Fairies have Curiosity, Twinkle, and Intellect stats.

Stats Gained from Used in
Curiosity [Activities - Playtime]  [Activities - Adventure], Bond 
Twinkle [Bond - Talk, Wish]  Blossom 
Intellect [Bond - Study]  Fairy Skills

※ The preview of the type of Trait that'll either increase or decrease based on your answers when using [Bond - Talk] with a "Vivid" or higher-grade fairy will be added with the scheduled update on Sep 20.

Fairy Activities - Playtime

- Your fairy can meditate, dance, or sing via the [Fairy Activities - Playtime] menu.
- Each playtime takes a certain amount of time, and your fairy can obtain Curiosity by doing so.
ㆍSpend Black Pearls to complete playtime immediately.
ㆍThere is a set chance for playtime to be a Great Success, allowing additional Curiosity and rewards.
ㆍCuriosity cannot increase when at max.
ㆍYou cannot proceed with other types of playtime when one type of playtime is in progress.
- You cannot proceed with playtime when your fairy's Curiosity is full.

Fairy Bond - Talk

- "Talk" and "Wish" options are available from the Fairy Bond menu.
- You can talk to your fairy to obtain Twinkle and certain traits may increase or decrease, depending on your conversation choices.
ㆍ45 Curiosity is required for each talk, and you can talk up to three times per day.
ㆍYou can use [Whispering Dew] obtainable from events and the Pearl Shop to restore daily talk limits.

Fairy Bond - Wish

- You can bond with your fairy by fulfilling her wishes.
ㆍYou need 75 Curiosity to accept a wish. You can complete up to 2 wishes per day.
ㆍSome wishes are revealed after certain requirements are met.
ㆍYou can cancel wishes from the quest widget. However, you will not get back the Curiosity consumed for accepting the wish.
- Complete wishes to obtain Silver, Twinkle, and Trait points.
ㆍThe quantity will differ depending on the type of wish you complete.

Fairy Event

- Fairy Events where your Fairy will have a special conversation with you or other characters can take place.
ㆍYou can acquire certain Trait points, Twinkle, and more when the Fairy Event ends.


- Fairies can grow through blossoming. The number of skill slots and max Trait can increase upon success.
- Spend Twinkle x1,000 to attempt Blossom.
ㆍAny requests in progress will be canceled while blossoming.

- Theiah's Blessing gets stronger with every fail, and blossoming has a 100% chance to succeed when the blessing is full.
- When Blossom succeeds, your fairy's grade and personality can change. Also, skill slots and max Trait may increase.
ㆍTheiah's Blessing will reset upon successful blossoming.
- When an adult fairy fails to Blossom, she will transform into a Depressed Baby Fairy.
ㆍThe increased stats will not decrease with failed Blossom.
ㆍFairy Adventure is still available for Depressed Baby Fairy.
ㆍAlthough her personality is determined based on her Trait points at the time of blossoming, she temporarily turns into a baby fairy, depressed from a failed blossoming.
ㆍDepressed Baby Fairy's grade will not increase upon blossoming, and she will return to Laila with the personality determined upon the previous blossoming.
ㆍIf the personality hasn't been acquired previously, it will also be registered in Album and Growth.


- [Fairy Activities - Explore], [Fairy Bond - Study], and Album menu options will be available when your fairy becomes an adult.

Fairy Activities - Adventure

- Spend Curiosity to send your fairy on an adventure.
ㆍAdventures will take a certain period of time to complete. You can obtain rewards upon completion.
ㆍPlaytime or other Adventures are unavailable during Adventure, but it can be canceled.
ㆍSpent Curiosity will not be returned upon cancellation.
- A cooldown will be applied upon completing an Adventure.


- You can use the Study feature to gift items to your fairy.
- Your fairy spends Curiosity to study items you gifted. Intellect will increase upon completion.
ㆍEach fairy will have a different preference for gifts depending on their personality, and the amount of Intellect acquired will also differ.
ㆍThere's a daily limit to the number of gifts you can give.


- Fairies can spend Intellect to acquire a variety of skills.
- Your fairy can spend Intellect to learn one of the initial 3 skills. Requirements must be met to learn other skills.
- Skill effects will only be applied when skills are equipped.
- The number of equippable skills will differ based on your fairy's grade.
- Intellect will be spent for acquiring, equipping, and leveling up skills.
ㆍSkill effects will enhance when skills level up. You cannot level up certain skills.
- "Evasion +1" will not take effect in Arena content with equal duel (Normal Arena, Hero of Karkea, Ramoness Watch Mode).


- You can look back on your encounters with your fairy and her growth in the album.
- You can obtain rewards each time you meet a fairy with a different personality.
- Kind, Lively, and Aloof fairies can each grow into 4 different tiers depending on trait distribution.
- You must obtain Laila of the relevant personality from Blossom for her to be registered in [Album - Growth].

[Album - Memories]
- You can save memories in the album by taking screenshots of fairies with specific personalities in specific locations.
ㆍYou can check out the hints for specific locations by tapping the collection.
- Yellow (Kind), orange (Lively), and blue (Aloof) circles of light will be displayed when you go to the specific locations available for taking screenshots for the album with your fairy.
ㆍ Screenshots taken in the vicinity of each location will be saved in the album. 
- Screenshots taken from lower personality tier locations with a higher personality tier of the same type will also be registered to the album.
- You'll also get rewards from completing certain categories in the album, like the rewards you get for completing parts of the collection.

Other Changes

- With the addition of the Fairy button on the left side of the HP bar, the placement of the Auto-Combat button was adjusted.
- Moved the button for changing skill preset and the emote button to the bottom of the chat window.
- Moved the Great Ocean fishing button to the list within the Auto-Combat button.

Developer's Comment

There are many islands that exist in the magical Great Ocean, far, far away. There are as many islands as there are fascinating stories yet untold.

One of them is the story on the Papua Crinea Thousand Year War. This story takes place on Bloodshed Beach, situated between Papuaora Island of the Papus and Crionia Island of the Otters.

It'd be nice for them to get along as they're neighbors, but unfortunately, the two races display a strong hatred for one another and there's no way for them to ever see eye to eye.

Which race will be the one to hold victory on the battlefield?

- The "Battlefield of the Sun: Sandcastle Shore-down" event has begun.
- You can participate in the new map by entering Battlefield of the Sun during the event period.

- Adventurers will begin the match as either Team Papu or Team Otter, with 15 players on each side.
- The team with more contribution points 5 minutes after the start of the match wins.

- You will be in Basic Form upon entering the battlefield, and you can transform into a Priest, Wizard, or Warrior by choosing the corresponding path among the 3.
ㆍYou will turn back to Basic Form when you respawn, and you can transform again by choosing a path.
ㆍ You cannot battle in Basic Form.
- All stats will be normalized when transforming into Papu or Otter.
- The proc effects of Ring of Frenzy and Necklace of the Tycoon can trigger.
- Each revive point is protected by a sandcastle.


- Participants are rewarded according to their contribution ranks at the end of the match.
- You can obtain contribution points by landing the final attack on an enemy.
ㆍAn enemy on a killstreak is worth more points.
- Enemy sandcastles are worth 400 points.
- The soldiers on each team are comprised of 3 classes.
- All skills have cooldowns, except for the basic attacks.


- Warriors can utilize the Forward Guard during their jump attacks to block enemy damage and close distance for melee attacks.

Basic attack


Jump attack


Combo attack



- Wizards can deal continuous damage from range.

Basic attack


2-shot magic bolt


Significant damage to enemies in front of them



- Priests can traverse the battlefield using teleport, and can heal allies.

Basic attack




Heal nearby allies



Warrior - Gallant Pine Swordsman Wizard - Phantasmal Bellmancer Priest - Divine Date Palm Priest


Warrior - Courageous Conch Swordsman Wizard - Tumbledown Puffermancer Priest - Sacred Sea Cucumber Priest





- Adjusted the amount of Dimensional Fragments required when crafting Chaos gear with Primal gear from 600 to 200.
- Increased the amount of Black Stones and Black Crystals given when absorbing Primal gear to the Black Spirit.

Battlefield of the Sun

- For a better content experience, the Battlefield of the Sun: Calpheon Defense will be deleted from the rotation map during the scheduled maintenance on Sep 20.
ㆍDue to this adjustment, Sandstorm Assault will take place after the scheduled maintenance on Sep 20 and Crimson Wind after the scheduled maintenance on Sep 27. Each will last for 2 weeks and will be rotated.





- Improved the skill preset button to open the list when tapping.

Bug fixes and other changes



- [Yacha, Grandmaster] Fixed an issue where certain weapons would render incorrectly when equipped with the "Mr. Mussels" Outfit.
- [Archer, Fletcher, Sage, Legatus] Fixed an issue where certain weapons would render incorrectly when equipped with the "La Orzeca" Outfit.



Starting Events

Sandcastle Shore-down!
· Event Period: After maintenance on Sep 13 (Tue), 2022 - Sep 19 (Mon), 23:59
Fairyful Journey
· Event Period: After maintenance on Sep 13 (Tue), 2022 - Sep 26 (Mon), 23:59
Fairy's Adventure
· Event Period: After maintenance on Sep 13 (Tue), 2022 - Sep 26 (Mon), 23:59
Fairy's Offer
· Event Period: After maintenance on Sep 13 (Tue), 2022 - Sep 19 (Mon), 23:59
Fairy Premium Login Event
· Event Period: After maintenance on Sep 13 (Tue), 2022 - Oct 10 (Mon), 23:59

Pearl Shop

※ Products with a sales period marked [TBA] will be announced separately through future Patch Notes listed under the [Sales Ending] section.
※ For products with a set sales period, go to the Pearl Shop in-game and view the products.

New Items

- Special Pack
· Fairyful Gift Chest
· Dimensional Fragment Trial Pack
· World Boss Trial Pack
· Magical Fairy Chest

- Misc. → Etc.
· Whispering Dew