
[1/14] Patch Notes
UPDATES 2020.01.14

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Greetings, Adventurers!


The patch notes for the 01/14 patch is here. In this update, we’ve added new content, events, bug fixes, and overall improvements to the game. See the patch notes for more details about this update, and get ready to embark on even more exciting adventures. Let’s begin!


※ All screenshots were taken from the test environment and may differ from what appears in the live server.

A new World Boss Karanda, the Queen of Harpies’, has come to Black Desert Mobile. [Abyssal] grade Dandelion Weapons have a low chance to be dropped by Karanda. 


World Boss Raid Time

Time Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
12:00 - 14:00 Kzarka Karanda Kzarka Karanda Kzarka Karanda Karanda
20:00 - 22:00 Karanda Kzarka Karanda Kzarka Karanda Kzarka Kzarka

※ Character level must be 50 or above to participate in Karanda World Boss.

※ The raid time may change with the addition of other World Bosses in the future.


- Guilds can collect tax.

- Guilds can collect Guild Bonuses. 

- Guilds must be level 3 to participate in Node War.

- Preparation time for Node War has been changed from 12:00 - 22:00 to 10:00 - 20:00 (server time).

- End of bidding time has changed from 12:00 to 10:00 (server time).

- Node War will now begin at 20:00, changed from the previous 22:00 start time (server time).

- The wait time to participate in the Node War is now 7 days after joining a guild.


Blacksmith Update

- Epic grade gear can now be crafted from the Blacksmith.

Building Level Explanation
11 [Epic] Grade Main Weapon and Shoes
12 [Epic] Grade Armor and Gloves
13 [Epic] Grade Sub-weapon and Helmet


- The maximum Black Spirit Quest Tier has been open to 13.

Black Spirit Quest Tier Black Spirit LV Requirement Rewards
Tier 10 110 Defeat Enemy x 1900 Either (Boss Stamp x 13 or Ancient Tablet x 26) + Contribution Exp x 600
Tier 11 124 Defeat Enemy x 2000 Either (Boss Stamp x 15 or Ancient Tablet x 30) + Contribution Exp x 600
Tier 12 138 Defeat Enemy x 2100 Either (Boss Stamp x 17 or Ancient Tablet x 34) + Contribution Exp x 600
Tier 13 152 Defeat Enemy x 2200 Either (Boss Stamp x 19 or Ancient Tablet x 38) + Contribution Exp x 600



- Added ‘Trade Resources’ button in World Gathering that will redirect the player to the Trading Post.

- Improved the visual effect of equipping Lightstones to increase clarity.

- Fixed language issues where the Guild War records would not be visible in certain languages.

- Changed ‘Show Horse Gear’ to only appear on horses with Barding equipped.

- Now items that can be crafted will be rearranged and shown at the top of the list.



- Illzera’s Servant in Boss Rush has been nerfed.



PVP has been adjusted.

- CP differences in PVP modes have been adjusted so that the difference in CP is less significant. 

- This applies to both Arena and Ramoness.



- Points awarded from defeating Lagos or destroying the Statue of Battle has been changed to the following:


Target Before After
Lagos Claim 50% of all Adventurer’s points + points from defeating Lagos Claim 30% of all Adventurer’s points + Points gained by Lagos
Statue of Battle Claim 50% of all Adventurer’s points Claim 15% of all Adventurer’s points

*Lagos points are a certain amount of points gained by Lagos when it defeats an Adventurer. 



- The rewards from Red Spoils of Battle when level 50 or higher has been improved.

- Some of the icons for Dark Energy Chests have been changed.



- Limit on the number of players that can enter a language chat has been removed.

- Fixed an issue where the Loot List levels would occasionally not show on the World Map.



- Fixed an issue where Weasels would spawn in unintended areas in Ehwaz Hill.



- Fixed an issue where unreleased Pets (Snowball Rosefinch and Snowflake Rosefinch) would be visible in the Market.

- Fixed a UI issue where the Check All tab would not reach the bottom when the UI scale had been changed.

- Now when Select Mode is enabled in Storage in Camp, Item names will appear when Items are tapped.

- Fixed an issue where the reward pop-up box for total Boss Knowledge would be shown abnormally.

- Fixed an issue where [Cron Castle Story] would become available after completing [To the Harbor].

- Fixed an issue where Relics which were lower in CP would have a higher CP indicator in the tool tip.

- Fixed an issue where the ‘Encourage All’ button would not appear when entering the camp for the first time.

- Fixed an issue where fusing outfits would play the sound effect twice and not once.

- Fixed an issue where the timer indicating the time left for Blood Kin quests to be accepted was still visible after the quests became available.

- Fixed an issue where empty slots would appear when “Area Information Loot Info” was scrolled to the bottom and back to the top again.

- Fixed an issue where maximizing the chat window and minimizing it would result in the size of the chat tabs  becoming bigger than normal.

- Fixed an issue where Edit Mode was visible in a friend’s Camp.

- Fixed an issue where the Combat Plus information box was still visible when sleep mode was activated, then deactivated in the preparation phase of Boss Rush.

- Fixed an issue where tooltips of Relics would be inaccurate in certain zones.

- Fixed an issue where adjusting the UI through UI Scaling would cause the tutorial UI to function abnormally.

- Fixed an issue where the recommended CP for Boss Rush would be incorrect.

- Fixed an issue where auto adjusted graphics settings would not be correctly reflected in the settings menu. Now the adjusted graphics settings should now be correctly shown in the settings menu.


New Event

- Happy Bagel Event

- Black Spirit Special Quest

- Sorceress Release Countdown!


Events Ending

- Collect Wish Marbles for 2020

- It’s the New Year! Daily Mission Event

- New Year’s Resolution Event


New Items

- Daily Special Deals

- Lower Steps of Fortune

- Daily Lucky Chest

- Resource Package


■ Pearl Shop Event

- Relic Fragment and Lightstone Purchase Event


Sale Ending

- Boss Rush & Tablets Chest

- Daily Value Box

- All 1+1 Items


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