
Ballot Daily Mission
EVENTS 2022.02.15

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[FR] Voir Annonce en français [LIEN]
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[PT] Ver aviso em português [LINK]


Greetings, Adventurer!

Complete the daily missions to obtain [Angel or Devil Ballot].


[Angel or Devil Ballot] can be used in the Angel or Devil voting event.


Make sure to cast your vote and obtain rewards!



📢 Event Period
After maintenance on Feb 15 (Tue) - until Feb 21 (Mon), 23:59


📢 Event Details
1) Complete the daily missions to obtain [Angel or Devil Ballot].
2) Complete the normal mission to obtain [Combat Plus (3 Days)].


📢 Event Tab Open Requirement
- Defeat Red Nose in Balenos


※ Please Note
- Daily missions refresh everyday between 00:00-01:00.
- The normal mission can only be completed once per Family.
- The event period and conditions are subject to change.

Thank you.