
Corsair Level Up Event
EVENTS 2021.06.29

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Greetings, Adventurer!


Let's take a look at one of the events coming up with Corsair's launch on June 29!


Get her to Lv. 50 for [Corsair] Treant Camouflage, Lv. 65 for Lv. 60 Character Generator Coupon, and Lv. 70 for 1000 Black Pearls!


Curious about the other rewards? Then log in and check the event after the launch!



📢 Event Period
After maintenance on June 29 (Tue) - until July 19 (Mon), 23:59


📢 Event Details
1) Register Corsair and level her up.
2) You will get a reward for every 10th level you reach, up to Lv. 70.
ㆍGet [Lv. 60 Character Generator Coupon] as a special reward when you reach Lv. 65.


📢 Event Tab Open Requirement
- Balenos, defeat [Boss] Red Nose


※ Please Note
- [Lv. 60 Character Generator Coupon] expires within 7 days when it's acquired.
ㆍYou can sell this item in NPC shops upon expiry.
- You cannot create Corsair using the [Lv. 60 Character Generator Coupon].
- The event period and conditions are subject to change.


Thank you.